Part 19

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When you woke up,Derek was sitting at the edge of the bed.

Y/N: Morning, baby
Derek: Yea
Y/N: what's wrong
Derek: if I tell you don't get mad, ok
Y/N: ok
Derek: So when I went get my charger Ruby came in my room and started calling me cute and she tryed to kiss me but I moved my head.
Y/N: What! I'ma beat that hoe up
Derek: no, she isn't worth it
Y/N: Well, if she trys that again, I'ma beat her ass
Derek: ok, you want to go downstairs?
Y/n: Yea

You and Derek do y'all morning routine and walk downstairs. Ruby looked at y'all and smiled.

Y/N: Morning guys
Everyone: hey
Y/N: y'all want to go to waffle house?
Everyone: ok

We all get up but the girls go in one car and the boys in another. When we got to waffle house we got down and sat down. You sat by derek and Kobe. Then the others sit by each other.

Mike: what y'all getting?
Ruby: whatever you get bae

You look at Ruby in disguise.

Y/N: well, I'ma get some waffles and hash browns.
Derek: Sounds good, I'm getting same as you
V.k: Yea me too
Kobe: I'll get what y/N orders
Mike: me too, ig

The waiter came and we all ordered waffle and hash browns.

Ruby: Why did everyone get what y/N got?
V.k: Cause, it sounded good
Mike: yea, we usually get what
Y/N gets
Ruby: so y'all don't have a mind for y'all's self
Mike: chill out, it really doesn't matter
Y/N: Right, I didn't force anyone to order it

Ruby rolled her eyes and got on her phone. We eat our food and head back home.

Aya: I'm board we should go the mall
Y/N: yea
Everyone: sure

You go upstairs and get dressed into this⬇️

You go upstairs and get dressed into this⬇️

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Then you walk back down to the living room .

Aya: well let's go

The girls ride in one car and the boys in another. After 10mins we get to the  mall.

Y/N: Well it doesn't look to packed
Derek:yea in the first time in forever

They had a few people here and there but not that many.

Aya: Y'all want to go to Victoria Secret.
V.k: No
Aya: I was talking to the girls
Y/N: yea
Ruby:I guess

You Aya and Ruby go to Victoria Secret. You try a pair of Shorts on.

Y/N: y'all like them?
Aya: they cute
Ruby: There too tight
Y/N: there supposed be tight 🙄

You look at some more stuff and check out. You buy this ⬇️

 You buy this ⬇️

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