Part 21

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It's been a week since Mike left. Everything has been normal. Today is Aya's Birthday. She's turning 18. You run to Ayas room

Y/N: Happy Birthday, Bestie
Aya: oh, thanks
Y/N: Come on get up, we're going to the mall
Aya: yay.

Everyone gets up and get dressed. We all ride in one car. Soon we get to the Mall.

Aya: let's go to Forever 21
Everyone: ok

We walk into the store and look around. Aya bought some stuff and we left.

Aya: let's go get some cookies.
Y/N: ok

You and Aya walk to the cookie place and wait. Y'all walk back to the others and someone bumped into you making you drop you and Dereks cookies.

Y/N: aww, my cookies
Girl: I'm so sorry

She walked closer to me and it was Ruby

Ruby: not sorry.
Y/N: ok
Ruby: I like how you try to kiss my boyfriend.
Y/N: What are you talking about?
Ruby: yea, Mike told me everything
Y/N: I'm sorry but he lied
Ruby: no he didn't
Y/N: how are you suppose to tell me. I was there not you.
Ruby: I should have pushed you down, stupid hoe
Aya: Ruby leave us alone we didn't do nothing to you and yes you have your story all wrong.

Aya pulled me and we walked back to the others.

Derek: Cookies😁
Y/N: Sorry babe but Ruby bumped into me and I dropped them all
Derek: Ruby??
Aya: yea, we were coming back then she bumped into y/N and started talking about Mike. But y'all can have some of mine.
Y/N: thanks you ready to go eat
Aya: yes

We get to the car and drive to a Steak house. Everyone ordered and ate. Aya had a drink but you didn't because you had to drive home. We arrive to the house and get down.

Y/N: Are you ready to Open your Gifts.
Aya: ofc

Vallyk's gift ⬇️

Vallyk's gift ⬇️

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Kobe's gift ⬇️

Dereks gift ⬇️

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Dereks gift ⬇️

Dereks gift ⬇️

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