Part 34

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You wake up in Kobes arms. It didn't feel right laying by him. You get up but he pulled you back down.

You:no, I want to get up (you say as you move his hands)

You get up and walk to the bathroom and get in the shower. You start crying.

(Your thoughts: I miss him, I don't know what I want. I want Derek not Kobe. I just want to be happy)

You wash your face and get out of the shower. You notice you didn't have any clothes. You walk out but kobe wasn't in there so you walk to Ayas room to get clothes. Then you get dressed and walk to the game room. No one was in there but Derek. He was playing 2k

You:oh my bad ( you were walking back out)
Derek:no, you can stay

It was quiet for awhile

Derek: want to play

He gives you the other controller and play 2k. Y'all were laughing and having fun.

Derek: I miss you
You: I can't lie, I miss you too
Derek: Sense were on the same page, let's get back together
Derek: you just said you missed me
Derek: Just give me one more Chance, idk what was going through my head. Please, I'm Sorry.
You:I forgive you but I don't know what I'm going to tell Kobe
Derek: Idk but don't lie
You: ok ( you say as getting up)
Derek: Where you going
You: Talk to kobe

You walk out of the game room and knock on Kobes door.

Kobe: Yea
You:Hey, we need to talk ( you say as you close the door)
Kobe: ok
You: I don't think we're going to work out
Kobe: Are you really breaking up with me
You:I'm sorry but De- ( he interrupt your sentence)
Kobe: Your getting back with him after he then cheated 2 times with you already. ( He yelled)
You:I'm sorry
Kobe: Your just a HOE!! (he yelled)
You: You don't mean that
Kobe: Yes, I do. I dropped all my hoes for your sorry ass.
Kobe: I thought I loved you. Your nothing but a Stupid BITCH. GET THE FUCK OUT MY ROOM.

Kobe was really pissed off. You walk out the room then slam the door.

You: FUCK YOU TOO, THEN (you open the door back and close it again)

Aya had came out her room.

Aya:What's going on
Aya:ik something's wrong
You:Kobe trippin
Aya: why?
You: Cause I broke up with him
Aya: you broke up with him for... Wait don't tell me your getting back with Derek
You: Yep
Aya:Y/n but why
You: Because I love him
Aya:ok but why are you mad
You: Cause Kobe called me a hoe
Aya: I know he didn't (she said with a little anger)
You: He did but it don't matter
Aya:it does matter. He talking about my Bestfriend like that and I know you are not a hoe
You:that's why I ain't trippin

You and Aya to the game room where Derek was.

Derek: How did it go?
You: He's pissed
Derek: Really
Aya: and he called her a h-

You cover her mouth before she finished the last word.

Derek: he what?
You: nothing

Aya moved your hand and started talking again.

Aya: like I was saying, kobe called y/n a hoe
Derek: You serious
You: he did but like I told Aya it doesn't matter
Derek: He called you a hoe,tho
You: it's fine y'all trust me. Watch he'll apologize
Aya:Yea right
You: Wanna make a bet
Aya: Ok, if he doesn't apologize you have to clean my room for a week
You: And if he does you have to buy me Starbucks and Chick-fil-A for a Month.
You and Aya: Deal
Aya: Now Derek you heard the bet
Derek: yea, I guess

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