Part 54

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Y/n was woke up by Lucas cry. She picked him up and rocked him back to sleep. The nurse knocked on the door and came in.

Nurse: Ms y/n
You: yes
Nurse: you can leave this afternoon
You: ok thank you
Nurse: I brought your breakfast
You: thank you

She left out and y/n sat up to eat her breakfast. Kobe got up and went pick up Violet.

You: Put her down
Kobe: Why
You: cause your going to make her spoiled. She wasn't even crying.
Kobe: but she's so cute
You: I get to leave this afternoon
Kobe: ok

He put Violet down and walked to the bathroom. When he walked out he sat down.

Kobe: I'm going get something to eat
You: ok

While Kobe was gone y/n just admired the twins.

You: y'all are so cute. I can't wait untill your grandparents can see you. ( She said out loud)

Y/n took her phone out and Ft her Mom.

You: hey mom
Mom: hi hon
Dad: hey sweetie
You: y'all want to see Violet and Lucas
Them: yes

You pick up Violet and turn the phone to her.

Mom: She's so cute
Dad: Their going to have good hair
You: yea dad

You put Violet down and pick up Lucas.

Mom: he looks like Kobe
You: a little

Kobe soon walked back in and walked to the phone. He gave y/n a kiss.

Kobe: hey Mr and Mrs. Y/l/n
Mom: hi kobe
Dad: keep my little girl happy
Kobe: I will
Mom: the twins are so cute, we're going to try and come visit when we get time
You: ok
Mom&Dad: love you
You: love you too

Y/n hung up the phone and put in down.

Kobe: I called the others and told them to bring the car seats. They'll be here in a few
You: ok I need to go clean up
Kobe: k I'll watch the kids

Y/n got up and walked to the bathroom. She took a shower and did her morning routine. Once she finished she sat down picked up Lucas to feed him and did the same with Violet. After she finished feeding the babies, the others knocked on the door.

Jai: hey
You: hey

Then Aya, Lucci and Laura walked behind him.

You: hey Besties
Them: heyy
You: who all came
Laura: just us 5
You: who's the 5th
Lucci: Angel, he was getting something out the vending machine

Then he walked through the door.

You: fat ass
Angel: I didn't eat this morning
Jai: can I hold Violet
You: yea

Jai washed his hands then picked up Violet.

Jai: she just loves to smile
You: she's a happy baby

Aya had went pick up Lucas. He was just laughing.

Aya: his smile looks just like Kobe
Lucci: it does
Laura: let's see how many hearts he break
Kobe: What's that supposed to mean
The girls: you know what we mean

Y/n just laughed. Angel had washed his hands and was holding Violet. The nurse knocked and came in.

Nurse: I'll need you to sign the release papers.
You: ok

You sign the paperwork

Nurse: you may leave

The nurse walked out.

You: Can you go get the car seats( she said to Jai)
Jai: yea

He left out to get the car seats. Y/n picked up the baby bag and her bag.

Kobe: imma carry that
You: thank you

Jai came back with the car seats. Y/n put Lucas in one and Angel put Violet in the other one. She strapped them in and grabbed Lucas. They walked outside and put the babies in. You and kobe sit in the back with the twin. Jai and Angel in the front. The girls rode with Lucci. Soon they pulled up to the house. Ballo walked outside. Then Mike and Vallyk. The three of them came by the car helping get the bags out.
After everything was out y/n grabbed Violet and Kobe grabbed Lucas.

You: When did y'all get here ( she said to mike and Vallyk)
Vallyk: we flew out here last night
You: oh ok
Mike: The twins are so cute
Vallyk: Yea

Derek and Ava came downstairs with everyone.

Derek: Can I hold Lucas
You: he's sleeping
Derek:how about Violet
You: Mike and Vallyk are holding her but after you can
Derek: ok

Y/n walked upstairs and went take a shower. When she finished she took a crib out of the box and looked at the instructions to build it. She got confused so she called Kobe. He came upstairs.

Kobe: need help
You: yea that's why I called you

You and Kobe build one crib and decide to build the other one. Once both of the cribs were built they put one by each other.

You: Well that was easy
Kobe: with help
You: yea with help, I'm going get the twins.

Y/n went downstairs grabbed Lucas and Derek brought Violet. She feed both of the kids and put them to sleep for the night. Kobe was laying on the bed. Y/n layed on the side of him.

Kobe: what a day
You: Yea what a day
Kobe:I'm tired but can't go to sleep
You: Well I'm tired and going to sleep goodnight
Kobe: Don't go to sleep yet
You: yep I am goodnight

Kobe kept talking and y/n was peacefully sleeping.

Kobe kept talking and y/n was peacefully sleeping

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Lucas crib^^

Violet's crib^^

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Violet's crib^^


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