Part 49

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Y/n woke up with one arm around her stomach. She didn't have morning sickness today so she got up and took a shower. While she was getting out Derek walked in the bathroom.

You: get out
Derek: Like I haven't seen you naked

Y/n gave Derek a death stare so he decided to get out. She got dress and walked out the bathroom. Her stomach was getting bigger so she couldn't where much clothes she had and wanted to go shopping.

You: Derek
Derek: yes ( he said in calm voice)
You: I want to go to the mall
Derek: ok, let me get ready then we can go

While Derek got ready y/n went downstairs and seen Jai sitting on the sofa on his phone.

You: hey Jai
Jai: hey y/n wyd
You: nun waiting for Derek to get ready so we can go to the mall
Jai: Can I come
You: yea and can you ask the others
Jai: Of course

Jai walked to everyone's room and asked if they wanted to go to the mall. ( You already know they said yes 😶) You wait for the others to finish up and we go in separate cars. The boys in one and the girls in the other.

~The girls car~  Laura is driving*

You: girls I have to tell y'all sum
Them: ok
You: Me and Derek talked and were back together
Laura: by talk you mean fuck
You: No I'm pregnant, bitch
Laura: Right

They continued to talk while in the boys car they were talking about girls. Ballo is driving

Angel: Laura is really pretty she with anyone
Derek: no I don't think so. The last relationship she had was with Mike.
Jai: I wanna get with y/n. She's not with anyone
Derek: uhhh yes she is
Jai: She said that her and Kobe are like done
Derek: I know what she said, I'm with her

The boys eyes got big

Ballo: She really took you after the 4th time you cheated
Derek: yea
Angel: she must really love you
Jai: You cheated on y/n 4 times ( he said to Derek)
Derek: yes I did but y'all don't have to keep saying it

The boys were quiet. Both cars pulled into the mall parking lot and everyone got down. Y/n walked by derek and grabbed his hand and they walked together.

You: how was the ride
Derek: bad
You: why?
Derek: I told the boys we were back together and they were so surprised because I cheated 4 times. Then Jai say he wanted to be with you that's how the conversation started. ( Y/n and Derek sat down on a bench before going into the mall) I feel so bad now, I understand I fucked up but they didn't have to keep pushing it in my face. I can't go back and change it but if I could I would. Y/n I want you to understand that I love you. My life is a mess without. It's like I'm running in circles. I know it seems bad how many times we done broke up and got back together but No relationship is perfect. Please promise me you'll never leave again. ( Tears was falling from his eyes)
You: Yes I promise

They kissed and went their separate ways. Y/n went find the girls and derek looked for the boys. Y/n soon caught up with the girls.

You: y'all walk to fast
Aya: so where we're you
You: talking to Derek
Laura: about what
You: He told the boys that we got back together and I guess they were not that happy about. So he told me how much he loves me and other things about our relationship. He started crying while telling me.
Aya: Awww
Laura: y'all are ment to me together
You: ok enough about that, I need some bigger clothes
Laura: so you want sweats and hoodies
You: exactly
Aya: we can look at baby clothes too

The girls walked to different stores and Derek had just found the boys.

Angel: Where we're you
Derek: I was talking to y/n

Ballo looked at Derek's eyes and seen they were puffy and red. He walked on the side of him.

Ballo: We're you crying ( he whispered)
Derek: no
Ballo: ik you were your eyes are red and puffy
Derek: I was earlier
Ballo: you ok? You know I didn't mean anything bad when I said those things in the car
Derek: yea ik
Ballo: ight

All the boys went to Gucci and bought all kind of things. After a hour in a half of shopping the girls and boys finally met up.

Jai: Damn did y'all go to every store
You: no ( she said laughing)

They grabbed something to eat then drove back home. Once they were back everyone for down. Y/n walked through the door and seen Kobe sitting on the sofa.

You: how did you get in here
Kobe:I have a key

The others walked in. Then Kobe seen Jai and Angel.

Kobe: What y'all doin here
Jai: We live here now, right y/n
You: yea
Kobe: that's cool

Jai went sit and talk to Kobe.

Jai: Why did you just leave y/n like that
Kobe: idk, there was a lot of things going though my head
Jai: it doesn't mean you should just leave her but she moved on already.
Kobe: with who
Jai: Derek
Kobe: She's back with him
Jai: yea

Kobe got up and went to y/n's room door and knocked. He opened it and seen her and Derek  un-bagging  the things they bought.

Kobe: can I talk to you
You: Sure

Derek walked out and kobe sat on the bed.

Kobe: so
You: so what
Kobe: are we going to get back together
You: no
Kobe: ok so what are we going to do when the kids are born
You: Are you going to stay here
Kobe: yea I have no where else to go
You: you'll be able to see them
Kobe: what if y'all move
You: then you can take them sone days if you want
Kobe: ok

He walked out and y/n too. Both went downstairs and sat with the others. The day was pretty chill. Derek, Ballo, Angel and Jai got up at the same time putting theirs shoes on.

You: What y'all doin
Jai: we going to the store
You: Bring me some chips
Derek: ok

The four of them walked out.

Laura: that's was weird
You: ik ( you say yawning)

You put a movie on and lean on Ayas shoulder slowly falling asleep. The boys soon got back. Derek seen y/n was sleeping so he picked her up and brought her in their room. He undressed putting something more comfortable on and layed on the side of y/n


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