Part 60

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A year passed Derek and Jayda had their baby. His name is Mason. Ballo and Lucci are still together an thinking about starting a family. Y/n and Kobe have been a little distant from each other because Kobe said he was loosing feeling for her. They still live in the same house. Other than that things are good. Today was the Twins 5th birthday. They decided to have a party at a trampoline park. The twins didn't know it was a surprise. Y/n got them dress then herself. The others were already there. She drove to the place and the three of them got down. When they walked to their area everyone yelled Surprise! The twins jumped up and down in excitement.

Violet: Mommy come on the trampoline with me
Lucas: Come on mommy
You: ok

You and the twins go jump. While Derek, Jayda and Mason was sitting down.

Jayda: You should go bring Mason jump
Derek: He's 1 years old he can't jump
Jayda: you can hold him

Derek picked up Mason and went where y/n and the twins were.

Lucas: Uncle Derek

He jumped to him and almost knocked him over.

Derek: Hey hold on

He walked back to Jayda and handed Mason to her. Then back by y/n.

Violet: Come jump with us Uncle Derek
Derek: I'm coming

The four of you jump on one section. Derek was jumping so high he fell and y/n flew up in the air then she fell on Derek. He and her looked at each other in the eye an stayed in that position for a few. Lucas had called her so she hurry got up. The twins went eat so y/n went back on the trampolines.

Derek: You wanna go on the obstacle course
You: yea race you there

You run to the course and beat Derek.

Derek: bet I can get through the obstacle course before you
You: I bet you can't

The two race through the course and Y/n fell in the foam pit so Derek won. He laughed an helped her out. After that they went on the Zipline. They were fighting on who was going to go first so Derek pushed her. She held on to the bars and fell into the foam pit. Derek did the same but stayed on a little longer. It was time to sing happy birthday so they walk by the others. Everyone sung happy birthday and ate cake. People gave their gifs an left one by one. Untill it was only You, Kobe, the twins and Derek. Jayda and Mason went home with one of the others. Derek stared at y/n while she looked at her phone.

You: Are y'all ready to go ( she asked the twins)
Violet: 10 more minutes
You: you said that 20 minutes ago. Come on were leaving

All of them got in the car. They dropped Derek home and went home. Y/n did the twins nightly routine and put them down to sleep. When she went in the room Kobe was gone. She did her  nightly routine and layed on her bed untill her phone went off. It was a text from derek.

Derek 💙

Derek: hey
You: heyy
Derek: Wyd
You: laying down
Derek: You know Kobe's over here
You: really
Derek: yep
You: you wanna come over
Derek: I'm coming

You go downstairs and wait for Derek. Then the door opens.

Derek: hi
Derek: where's the twins
You: in they room
Derek: oh ok
You: Wanna watch a movie
Derek: sure

Y/n put a movie on and they shared a blanket watching it

Y/n put a movie on and they shared a blanket watching it

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