Part 31

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You got up and went to the bathroom. When you got out you hear the doorbell ring. You walk downstairs and open the door. It was our cars.

Delivery man: I'll need you to sign here

You sign

Delivery man: thank you have a nice day
You: You too

You close the door and see Kobe walking downstairs.

Kobe:Who was that?
You: The man with our cars
Kobe: oh ok

He was walking to the fridge and grabbed a water.

Kobe: So...
You: So, what?
Kobe: Have you made a decision
You: Kobe I told you I'm with Derek
Kobe:ok so what if we keep it a secret?
You:I can't do that to Derek OR Myself. If he find out he'll be heartbroken and so will I
Kobe: Did he think about your Feelings when He Cheated on you
You: Yes.. No.. Idk but I'm not that type of person.

Kobe grabbed your hand and and collided it with his.

Kobe: You deserve better
You: Are you saying Derek isn't good enough
Kobe: No, I'm saying that you need someone to be by your side all the time
You: Derek does that
Kobe: Just give Me a chance. US a chance
You: I like you But-

He interrupted your sentence

Kobe: See, you have feeling for me
You: Yes I do but I just can't
Kobe: I quit
You: Wym
Kobe: Trying to make you mine
You: I'm sorry
Kobe: I don't want to talk right now.

He got up and walked upstairs to his room.

(Your thoughts: what did I do. I'm sorry Kobe. I really am)

Then Derek walked down and sat by you. He gave you a kiss.

Derek: Good morning, mamas
You: Morning
Derek: I want to take some pictures today
You: me and you
Derek: No just of me
You: ok, want me to take them
Derek: yea your the best a taking Pictures
You: When ?
Derek: I'ma go get dressed right now

While Derek walked up to his room to kobe was walking downstairs.

Kobe: Where's my keys
You: Right here ( you say with them in your hand)

He walks to you and grabs them out your hand then walks out the door.

You:Derek you ready
Derek: Hold on

He soon walked down the stairs and we went to the backyard to take his pictures. After 20 minutes we were done and he posted them on IG



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