Part 48

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The next day rolled around. Y/n was laying on the side of Laura. She got up and did her morning routine remembering she had to go to the doctor. Laura woke up and got ready. Once she was done, Y/n went wake Aya up. After all the girls were ready they got in y/n's car and drove to the doctor.

You: I'm nervous
Laura: it's ok girl, I would be too.

~At the doctor~

The three of them got down and walk in. Sat in the waiting area until y/n's name was called.

Nurse: Y/n L/n

They walked to the back and y/n sat in the big chair. The doctor came in did some test and left out. The doctor came back in go talk to y/n.

Doctor: Ms y/n you are pregnant with twins.
You: Twins! ( You say in shock)
Doctor: Yes you are very lucky. We don't know what gender they are but your next appointment you'll find out
You: ok, thank you
Doctor: your welcome have a nice day

Y/n and the girls walked out the office and to the car.

You: I can't believe I'm having twins
Aya: ik
Laura: Are you excited
You: yea but even more nervous

They drive back home. Y/n sat on the sofa just thinking about the twins. The boys came downstairs.

Ballo: hey y/n
You: hi
Derek: did you go to the doctor
You: yea
Ballo: What they say
You: I- i- I'm having twins
Derek: WHAT! ( he said in shock)
Ballo: your serious
You: yes I am
Derek: Do you know what gender it is
You: no I find out when I go back

While they were talking there was a knock at the door. Y/n got up and opened it. When she opened it, it was jaiden and Angel.

You: oh, hey
Jai: sup
You: What are y'all doing out here
Angel: to see you
You: oh really
Jai: yea so are you going to keep us outside all day
You: no silly

Y/n opened the door for them to come in. Jai noticed y/n's stomach so he said something.

Jai: Are you pregnant
You: yea with twins
Jai: Damn who's the father, Derek
You: no kobe
Jai: When you were in Florida you were with Derek?
You: yes
Jai: What happened did you cheat
You: You really nosie but he cheated then I got with kobe
Angel: where is Kobe
You: I don't know and I don't care
Angel: Aren't y'all together
You: honestly I don't know. Once I told him I was pregnant he said he wasn't ready then he just left
Jai: he really abandoned his kids and girl damn that's down bad.
You: it's ok because I have Derek, Aya, Ballo and Laura
Jai: And us
You: yall don't live here
Jai: We might move down here
You: oh if y'all move here it's no point in getting a house we have two extra bedrooms
Angel: Shit we can move today( he said laughing)
You: y'all could
Aya: I'm hungry
You: I can make some chicken pasta
Laura: you can cook?
You: yes

Y/n got up and walked to the kitchen. She took out everything she needed. Derek soon walked to the kitchen.

Derek: You shouldn't be doing all this hard work, let me cook ( he said to y/n)
Everyone: Noo
You: How thoughtful but I got it
Derek: Let me help
You: sure

Derek helped y/n cook the pasta. After 30 minutes it was ready.
Y/n was grabbing a plate and backed into Derek. Before she could move he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him. He let go of her and she turned around looking at him. Derek slowly moved his face to hers and kissed y/n.

Derek: I'm sorry ( he said walking away)

Derek walked to his room and the others sat down to eat

Ballo: Where derek go
You: he went to the bathroom

It was really quiet at the table once everyone finished eating they walked their plate and went to there room. Y/n walked to her room and got in the tub staying in there for a hour. When she finished, she layed down in her bed. Y/n just layed there thinking about the kiss. While in her thoughts someone knocked on her door.

You: Come in ( it was Derek)
Derek: hey
You: hi

He sat on the bed besides you. It was silent.

You: Can you please stop making this awkward
Derek: I just, I didn't know if you wanted to talk to me after what happened
You: It's fine
Derek: No it's not fine because I'm falling for you again. I was fine with us being bestfriends but after what happened my thoughts and emotions are all over the place.
You: Mine too
Derek: So you feel the same way
You: yes I do. I don't know if I should wait to work it out with kobe Or move on.
Derek: If you decide to move on, I'll be with you. I still love you y/n
You: I know you do but what about the twins their going to be confused on who's there real Dad and I don't want them to go though that.
Derek: If kobe wants to co-parent we can, so they'll know who's their real dad. Once they get older they can make a decision if they still want to see him or not.
You: That's sound good but I don't want them to hate him
Derek: You just have to tell them good things about him but it's there choice.
You: ok
Derek: Dose this mean your taking me back
You: Yes, Derek

His face lit up with joy and gave you a big hug and you hug him back.

Derek: I hope the twins act more like you
You: Same because some of Kobes traits aren't it.
Derek: Can I sleep in here tonight
You: Sure

Derek layed on the side of y/n And both went to sleep.


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