Part 22

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(Recap:You get a dm on IG)

You look at the message and it was from Mike.

~IG Messages~

Mike: Y/N
You: What??
Mike: Wyd
You: Why do you want to know that?
Mike: Why you being so mean
You: What do you want and stop wasting my time
Mike:Ok, Can we meet up
You: For What?
Mike: so I can talk to you
You: idk, but not today
Mike: so, when?
You: I guess, tommorow
Mike: ok
~end of messages~

You go upstairs and do your nighty routine. Soon Derek walks in your room.

Derek: wyd
Y/N: nun why
Derek: just asking
Y/N: oh, Mike texted me and asked if I could meet up with him
Derek: Just you
Y/N: yea, probably tomorrow
Derek: ok but I'm driving you there. I'll just wait in the car
Y/N: Whatever you want

It's 1:30am and you fall asleep.

~Next Day~

You wake up around 12. Do your morning routine and get dressed into this ⬇️

You text mike and tell him to meet you at Dairy queen around 1pm

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You text mike and tell him to meet you at Dairy queen around 1pm. You wake Derek up. He takes 10 minutes to get ready. Y'all leave and head to Dairy queen. When y'all pull us you see Mikes car and get down. You sit were mike was.

Mike: finally
Y/N: I didn't even take that long
Mike: My mom's house isn't that far from here
Y/N: yea ok
Mike: so what have y'all been doing
Y/N: nothing much
Mike: I've been so board without y'all.
Y/N: really
Mike: yea, I want to move back in with y'all.
Y/N: I can't give you that answer. You have to talk to everyone.
Mike: ok, I understand
Y/N: You want to talk to Derek, he's in the car.
Mike: yea.

You and Mike walk to your car. You get in and he walks to Dereks window. Derek rolls it down.

Mike: sup
Mike: I was thinking if I could move back in with everyone.
Derek: you have to ask everyone else. You can come by the house and talk to them if you want
Mike:ok thanks

We drive to the house and get down. You and derek walk in first then Mike. When he walked in everyone stared.

V.k: What are you doing here?
Mike: To apologize and ask something.
V.k: O
Mike: sorry for calling y'all a trader and cursing y'all out.
V.k: ok
Kobe: it's fine
Mike: I was wondering if I could move back in
V.k: idc we never kicked you out
Kobe: it's whatever
Aya: yea
Mike: Derek, y/N
Derek: sure
Y/N: ok
Mike: I'm so glad, y'all trust and forgive me
Y/N: hold on, are you and Ruby back together
Mike: no why
Aya: that means she lied
Y/ : right
Mike: what
Y/N : we were at the mall and she bumped it me. Then she started to Talking shit about this whole situation and said I like how you try to kiss my boyfriend.
Mike: I never talked to her since I broke up with her. Idk how she knows about the argument.
Y/N: idk ethither then.
Mike: I'm going get my clothes
Them: ok

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