Part 46

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Today was finally the day Y/n got to take her cast off. She got up and went to the bathroom did her morning routine then woke kobe up. Once he got up and was all ready they left and went to the hospital. They walked in and just like that they were out.

Nurse: It healed good just be careful
You: I will, thank you

They both walked out and to the car.

Kobe: Do you want something to eat before we go back home
You: I want a frappuccino from Starbucks
Kobe: ok

He drove to Starbucks and Y/n order a medium Caramel frappuccino. Then drove back to the house. Y/n got down and walked into the house and seen Laura and Aya on the sofa chilling.

You: Heyy
Aya: Wow, went to Starbucks with out us
You: No, I wasn't planning to go. I went take my cast off
Laura: Now your wrist is free
You: ik

Y/n walked up the stairs to Vallyk's room but he wasn't in there so she went to Mike's he wasn't in there ethier. The only place would be Ballo's room. She opened the door and seen Vallyk, mike, Derek and Ballo.

You: Hey,guys. I thought y'all had left already
Mike: No we were waiting for you to get back

He got up and hugged Y/n said their goodbyes and Vallyk did the same.

You: I'm going to miss y'all
Vallyk: Me too but you can come visit anytime
Mike: Or we can come
You: Ok

They walked down stairs and Mike and Vallyk got in their cars and drove off. Y/n closed the front door.

You: Now there is two rooms empty
Ballo: Please let derek take one
You: Well one now
Derek: Can I get the rest of my stuff out our- I mean your room
You: yea, go head

Derek walk up the stairs to y/n's room and the others stayed in the living room. Y/n sat on the side of kobe.

Kobe: you heard what he said ( he whispered in my ear)
You: Yea, he still has to get used of us not being together ( she whispered back)
Ballo: I'm so happy he's not going to be staying with me anymore
Laura: He was a bad room mate
Ballo: Yes, I can't even describe how bad

Laura just laughed while y/n was lost in her thoughts.

Thoughts: poor Derek, I know he's hurting. He has no one to talk too about how he's feeling. He doesn't even talk to anyone once we broke up. {End}

After y/n snapped out her thoughts she walked upstairs to get room. She seen Derek puting things in a box.

You: Derek
Derek: what?
You: let's talk

He walked over to the bed and sat down.

You: I understand your hurting and it's not good to keep all those feelings inside. I know we aren't together or as close as we used to but when ever you want to talk we can, ok
Derek: Thank you. Can we talk now
You: of course
Derek: I just feel so lonely and i don't think any one in the house likes me anymore. No one talks to me. Ballo can't even stand me.
You: I'm not sure why no one is talking to you but I'll talk to you but you don't come out your room.
Derek: Because there's no point cause no one likes me anymore. I thought about leaving with Mike and Vallyk.
You: I do like you, your still the same funny, nice, kind , sweet person. I don't think you changed it's just your feelings getting the best of you. I haven't seen a smile on your face in a while. I just want the old Derek back because because this one is isn't  it
Derek: Aww, thank you. I guess your my new talking buddy. I hope this makes us close again
You: It will

They hugged and Derek continued to pack the rest of his things while y/n went back downstairs.

Aya: Were did you go
You: upstairs ( you said sitting on the side of Kobe)
Kobe: What were you doing ( he whispered)
You: Talking to Derek (she said aloud)
Kobe: About what?
You: Why are you asking so many questions?
Kobe: cause I can
You: Well, I don't want to answer them ( you rolled your eyes)
Kobe: Bitc- roll your eyes again
You: What were you going to call me?
Kobe: Nun

Y/n got up and walked to her room. She seen Derek was still packing his stuff but she sat on the bed.

Derek: Your back?
You: Yes because Kobe just pissed me off
Derek: How? ( He stopped what he was doing a looked at her)
You: He almost called me a Bitch
Derek: For what?
You: So when I went back downstairs he was asking what I was doing in here stuff like that. He just kept asking questions so I rolled my eyes then he was like Bitc- roll your eyes again.
Derek: Is this my fault
You: No, if he can't trust me to be in a room alone with you then we don't need to be together
Derek: Don't mess up your relationship for me
You: I'm not it's just the fact that he can't trust me
Derek: Oh, well that's on him he should of learned you by now
You: Yea, really

Y/n got on her phone and Derek started packing up more of his things. A hour passed and Y/n fell asleep on the Bed. Derek walked out and went downstairs to get something to drink.

Kobe: Where's Y/n ( he says to Derek)
Derek: In her room sleeping ( he said grabbing a water)
Kobe: Oh, was she mad
Derek: Yep she complained about how you almost called her a Bitch and how you didn't trust her alone with me.
Kobe: She told you all of that?
Derek: Yea
Kobe: I didn't mean that, I was just over thinking
Derek: Well, she's mad

Kobe got up and started walking up the stairs.

Derek: You should just let her sleep for now
Kobe: You right

Kobe walked to his room instead of Y/n's. The day passed and it was night. Y/n woke up from her nap energized. She walked downstairs and seen Derek.

You: Hey, bestie
Derek: I'm your Bestie now?
You: Yep, my boy best friend
Derek: ok
You: I'm board let's do something
Derek: We should go to a party
You: na, what about the store
Derek: Let's go

They got up and Derek grabbed his keys then drove to Walmart. Once they got there Derek hopped in the basket.

Derek: Push me
You: your too big
Derek: Come on

Y/n just pushed him and they went down the snack aisle. Derek put his hand out and pushed all kinds of snacks into the basket.

You: Really
Derek: Yea

Y/n soon got tired of pushing him so she got in and he pushed her.

You: Weee
Derek: Who says that ( he started laughing)
You: Me ( you laughed back)

Soon Derek pushed her to the check out and he payed and they walked out with a bunch of bags. Derek got into the driver's seat and Y/n into the passenger. They arrived home and got all the bags out the car. Went in the house and unloaded them all. Y/n walked upstairs to her room while Derek was walking to his.

Derek: This was fun
You: It was, we should do it again sometime
Derek: We will. Good night
You: Good night

Y/n walked into her room and got in the shower. Once she was done she grabbed her phone, charger and went to Kobes room. He was laying down on his phone  .

You: Hey, baby
Kobe: hey

You lay on the side of him and get under the covers. He does the same.

Kobe: look I'm sorry, I was questioning you earlier and almost called you the b word.
You: It's ok, I understand
Kobe: So your not mad
You: No, not any more
Kobe: ok. You know I love you
You: Yes babe I know. I love you too

Kobe wrapped his arms around y/n and they slept for the rest of the night.


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