Part 55

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Big Time Skip................

The Twins are now 4. Y/n and Kobe bought a house on the side of the house the others stay in now. Laura took the modeling job.  Your mom and dad came visit. Everyone is fine. Thanksgiving is coming up and You,Kobe and the twins were in target getting decorations. Y/n picked up a cute turkey statue.

Violet: Mommy why did you get a turkey statue?
You: Because it's something that represents Thanksgiving
Lucas: What do you do on Thanksgiving
Kobe:You eat a big feast
Lucas: oh
You: It's not about the food, it's about family and giving thanks for everything that you have.
Violet: that's nice
You: Yea do y'all want a lollipop
Lucas & Violet: Yay

You pay for everything and Y'all go back home. Kobe grabs the bags out the car while y/n got the kids out. After everything was done Y/n put a movie and they all sat down. During the movie there was a knock at the door Kobe got up and opened. It was Aya, Lucci and Laura.

Lucas: auntie Aya ( he ran to her)
Violet: auntie Lucci and Laura ( she ran to them)
Lucci: hey Violet, y'all are getting so big
Violet: mommy said if we eat our vegatables we'll get big like her
Lucas: shut up Violet vegetables are nasty
You: Lucas what did I say about being mean to your sister.
Lucas: To only be nice
Kobe:No one said hi to me
Tg: hi kobe
You: what were y'all doing
Lucci: nothing
Laura: we should go to the park
Violet & Lucas: Yay
You: you coming babe
Kobe: yes

The park wasn't that far so they walked. Violet & Lucas ran to the swings. You and Kobe sit down on a bench together.

Kobe: Did you ever think we'll be here
You: Wym
Kobe: How successful we are in life, we have two kids a house of our own and we're still young
You: yea we are

The kids ran and jumped on each of them.

Violet: mommy can we go to auntie Laura house
You: yea

We walk to the house and the boys were running around.

Lucci: Why are y'all running and why does it smell like smoke
Jai: I told you not to light that blunt in the house ( he told angel)
Ballo: Hey bae

Lucas ran to Jai and Violet ran to Ballo.

Lucas: hey uncle Jai
Jai: sup Lucas

Kobe went dap everyone up and we sat talking. Lucas and Violet fell asleep.

Ballo: so what have you two been doin
You: Nun we with the kids all day.
Kobe: yall don't come over nomo
Jai: We thought y'all want time to y'all selfs
You: We do but we be board
Aya: What we doin for Thanksgivings
You: idk we can come over here
Laura: ok
You: Where's your girlfriend
Derek: We broke up
You: oh ok
Angel: She pregnant but it's not his
You: Damn
Derek: you talk to much
Kobe: How you let that happen my boy
Ballo: everytime she asked to go out he let her and he never went with her
Derek: Can y'all be quiet about her. Let's talk about y'all love life.
You: hold on cause my love life is going great so don't get mad cause yours ain't
Ballo: Right I got my girl right here
Angel: I don't need a girl I got my homie
Derek: why don't the twins ever come to me when they get here
You: idk
Kobe: maybe because last year on Halloween you scared them.
Derek: oh yea I forgot about that. It wasn't that scary
You: It was a whole killer clown costume.
Laura: yea it was
Aya: we had agreed on kid friendly costumes.
Lucci: That's why I was a princess
You: you were the only one that had a scary costume on
Derek: that was a year ago
Jai: don't forget on Christmas Eve you took a piece of their gingerbread house and the whole thing fell
You: yea that didn't even want to see you after you did that
Derek: I didn't think it was going to fall
Angel: y'all are forgetting when we were playing hide and seek and Derek kept tagging the twins cause he could catch anyone else.
Kobe: Yea Lucas stopped playing
Derek: Alright I get it, theirs a lot of reasons why they don't come to me.
Jai: Kobe you coming smoke

Jai and Kobe walked to the backyard sitting down in two chairs.

Jai: I didn't expect for you and y/n to be together this long
Kobe: it's been 5 years
Jai: that's a long ass time ( he said taking a puff and passing it to Kobe)
Kobe: ik she's the perfect one
Jai: You going to propose?
Kobe: idk bro Im not ready
Jai:ight I'm not pushing it on you.

They finished the blunt and went back in the house. The girls were on their phone . Angel, Ballo and Derek was talking. The sun was setting an it was getting dark.

You: we should be going home
Angel: already
You: we stayed here all day

Kobe picked up Violet. Y/n grabbed Lucas and they walked to their house. Before walking out Derek tapped y/n's shoulder.

Derek: I love you
You: Yea I'm not doing this

She walked out and caught up with kobe. When they got home the twins were up. Y/n went bathe both twins a tuck them in.

You: good night I love you ( she gave Lucas a kiss on the cheek)
Lucas: night mom

Y/n left out and went to Violet's room. Kobe went tell Lucas night.

You: good night I love you ( she kissed Violet on the cheek)

She was sleep do she didn't answer back. Kobe did the same. Y/n went to her room getting in the shower. She layed down after. Kobe can wrap his hands around you and pulled you closer to him.

Kobe: I love you
You: I love you too

Kobe: I love youYou: I love you too

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