Part 20

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After a hour passed you walk to Mikes room and knock on the door.

Mike: Come in
Y/N: hey, bestie
Mike: hi ( he said low)

His eyes were puffy so you could tell he was crying.

Y/N: it's ok
Mike: All I did was try and it wasn't good enough
Y/N: At least you did that
Mike: Once I brought her over here she started acting weird.
Y/N: so, she doesn't act like this all the time.
Mike: no
Y/N: Well, can I tell you something
Mike: yea what is it
Y/N: Well Derek told me that the other night he was going get his charger and Ruby came into his room trying to kiss him and stuff.
Mike: Are you serious, I'm glad I'm not with her anymore.
Y/N: yea, I was going to beat her ass but Derek said it wasn't worth it.
Mike: you should have ( he started laughing)
Y/N: looks like that helped you out
Mike: yea
Y/N: want to come downstairs
Mike: yea, let's go

You get up walking to the door and Mike pulls you back. Then kisses you.

Mike: I'm sorry, don't tell derek
Y/N: I can't promise you that
Mike: No, I'm sorry I just did it out of sadness.
Y/N:  idk what to say.

You walk out and Mike follows you out.

( Your thoughts: I can't believe mike really did that. Idk if I should tell Derek. He might get mad and want to fight Mike then their friendship will be over. But if I don't, he might never trust me. I'ma have to ask Aya what she thinks.) Y'all continue to walk down stairs. You tell Aya come to the backyard.

Aya: what's wrong
Y/N: I went talk to mike and when I was leaving he kissed me. I'm not sure if I should tell Derek.
Aya: are you for real
Y/N: Yes, I'm not trying to ruin their friendship
Aya: I understand but, Derek won't trust you if you don't tell him and he finds out later.
Y/N: okay, Me, Derek and Mike are going to talk.
Aya: ok

Y'all walk back into the house and tell Mike and Derek to come to your room. They walk in and sit on the bed by you. You could see in Mikes face he was nervous.

Derek: what's up baby
Y/N: ok when I went talk to mike earlier, he kissed me when I was walking out.

Derek's eyes grew wide and full of anger.

Derek: MIKE what the FUCK, BRO
Mike: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it
Derek: Oh yea right. Who made you do it, CASPER. ( He said sarcastically)

Derek got up and got in Mikes face. You get in between them.

Y/N: Baby, Stop
Derek: No, move
Y/N: Please just sit down

You never heard Derek yell at you before so you do as he said. Soon Derek punched Mike in the Face.


Aya, Kobe and Vallyk came running into your room. Vallyk pulled Mike away and brought him into the hall. Then you sat Derek down.

Y/N: Baby
Derek: what
Y/N: Calm down
Derek: I am

You put your hands on his face and put your forehead against his. Soon he unballed his fist and wrapped his arms around you.

Y/N: are you ok now
Derek: yea
Kobe and Aya: So what happened
Y/N: I told Derek and he got mad and punched Mike
Them: oh

Vallyk walked in and sat on the side of Derek.

V.k: you good bro
Derek: yea
V.k: what happened
Derek: Mike kissed y/N
V.k: What!
Y/N: yea, I went talk to him and then he kissed me.
V.k: I would have punched him in the face too.
Derek: idk, what got into him
V.k: Do you want to talk to him
Derek: yea I guess

Vallyk brings Mike into the room. He had his head down.

Mike: I'm sorry, bro
Derek: yea, ok
Mike: do you forgive me
Derek: FUCK NO!
Mike: I said I was sorry
Derek: That doesn't stop the fact that you kissed my girl
Mike: Man it's not even a Big deal

Derek got up from the bed walking to Mike but you and Vallyk got in front of him.

Vallyk: Bro, you were supposed to come in here to apologize not start another fight.
Mike: He's the one that Started it.
Vallyk: oh really cause it looks like you're the one that kissed y/n
Mike: so you on his side now
Vallyk: Sorry but I am because what you did was messed up.
Kobe: yea, that's messed up
Mike: Fuck this, I can't stay in a house with traders
V.k: idk who you talking about because I'm taking up for who is right and in this Situation your not
Kobe: Right
Mike: Fuck y'all🖕🏾

Then he walked out packed his stuff and drove to His mom's house.

V.k: Well it looks like it's just us 5 now.
Aya: Yea
Derek: Vallyk and Kobe promise me yall never do nothing like that
V.k: I wouldn't do that, I promise.
Kobe: Me either, especially not with your girl.
Derek: ok
Y/N: let's go watch a movie.

Y'all walk to the Movie room and put on a movie and chill. Soon, y'all all get a IG notification.


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Caption: People Switch Up But Hey Fuck them🖕🏾


We all look at each other and laugh.

Aya: Wow , didn't even put the comments on. So pathetic.
V.k: Fr

We finish watching the movie and Go to sleep.

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