Part 26

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Everyone didn't get up until 2 in the afternoon. You look at your phone and see a bunch of Missed calls and text From Ballo. Then he facetimed you. You put your airpods in not to wake up Derek

~The call~

You: hello
Ballo: What's up
You: just woke up
Ballo: why am I looking at the ceiling
You: cause, I never got out of bed yet
Ballo: And
You: fine

You turn the camera towards you and continue to talk.

Ballo: you look so cute
You: thanks
Ballo: Hey, y/N can I tell you something
You: yea
Ballo: I think I'm falling for you

You start laughing because you thought it was a joke.

Ballo: im being foreal
You: oh, we can't date I'm with Derek. We can be  friends ,nothing more.
Ballo: Why don't you breakup with Derek
You: Why in the Hell would I do that
Ballo: I think we would look cute
You: Come on Ballo im not trying to hurt your feeling but I'm with Derek
Ballo: I understand, just know I got you if he ever hurts you
You: ok?
Ballo: I'm coming over and staying the night
You: kk

~end of call~

Derek: who was that
You: Ballo, he coming over
Derek: ok
You: we should stay in bed for
a little longer
Derek: I was thinking the same thing

You were falling back to sleep and there was a knock a the door.

You: Come in
Kobe: y/N, do you have some Tylenol.
You: yea, ima go get it

You get the Tylenol and hand it to him.

Kobe: thank you
You: Welcome

He closed the door back and you lay down. There was another knock.

You: Come in
Ballo: What's up y'all
You: how did you get in the house
Ballo: Vallyk let me in
Derek: We'll be down in a few

Ballo closed the door and walked downstairs. You and Derek get dressed and go meet the others

You: hey everyone
Everyone: hey
You: what y'all doing
Ballo: waiting for y'all
Derek: For What
Kobe: we going to the mall
You: ok but first, Mike and Kobe y'all good
Kobe: yea my head stopped hurting
Mike: Same
You: ok

We go in separate cars like usual. Soon we arive at the mall. Everyone was walking around and you see your Ex ⬇️ . His name is Troy.

(You hated him because, he always used you for sex and he made you do drugs and steal

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(You hated him because, he always used you for sex and he made you do drugs and steal. He would  threat you if you said no. But he was supposed to be in jail For life  for killing his brother.) Vallyk, Mike and Aya knew about Troy. You tap Ayas arm. She looked up, then she text Mike and Vallyk.

Troy: hey y/N
You: hi

You were getting nervous and your hand was shaking. Your heart was beating fast.

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