Part 17

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Derek woke you up and asked if you wanted to get something bro eat. Y'all leave and go to ihop.
When y'all got back everyone was in the living room.

V.k: where were y'all?
Y/N: We went to ihop
Mike: without us
Y/N: don't talk to me mike
Aya: aww, y'all didn't bring me nothing back
Y/N: yea, we brought y'all some to it's in the car.
Derek: let me go get

Derek went get the food and was about to hand it to them.

Y/N: wait, I would like for you all to apologize to me and Aya. Mike first
Mike: sorry, I was board and that was the first thing that popped in my head.
Kobe: sorry
V.k: sorry, bestie
Jiggy: sorry, y/N
Cohen: sorry
Y/N: I expect y'all apologies
Aya: me too.

They grabbed the food and went eat. You and Derek went sit on the sofa. Derek got a text then asked you a question.

Derek: can one of my friends come
Y/N: yea
Derek: well, I'ma tell her, she can come

When you hear the word "her" your eyes got big.

Derek: you good baby
Y/N: yea I'm fine

Soon you hear a knock at the door. You get up and open it.

Y/N: Hi
Girl: hello, I'm Emma Dereks friend from elementary.
Y/N: Nice to meet you, I'm y/N Dereks girlfriend.
Derek: hey Emma. Everyone meet Emma my friend from elementary.

Everyone looked and then Aya looked at me and gave me face.
She tilted her head and I walk over to her.

Aya: did you know it was a girl
Y/N: no, I didn't until he said he was going to text "her" back.
Aya: oh ok, I'ma keep a eye on her
Y/N: I'm not going to trip, but if she do anything stupid she'll get beat up.
Aya: right
Y/N: I'm coming right back, i need walk Willow. You coming
Aya: sure

You go get Willow and y'all walk to the back yard.

Aya: willow is so cute
Y/N: ik she so soft

You hear the back door open and y'all both turn around.

Emma: hi, y'all
Aya: hey, I'm Aya
Emma: nice to meet you. Your name is pretty
Aya: thanks
Emma: omg who's the dog for?
Y/N: shes mine her name is willow
Emma: she is so cute
Y/N: thanks
Aya: I'm going get something to drink, I'll be back.
Y/N: ok

She walks in the house and close the door

Y/N: your outfit is so cute
Emma: thanks but, I wouldn't say the same.
Y/N: what
Emma: Well, your outfit isn't that cute. I can't believe Derek really chose a girl like you. You are way below his standards. He deserves better.  With your finger coil hair unlike mine is real. Your not even that cute, I don't know what Derek sees in you. Your just a hoe, and your probably using derek for his money. Your eyelashes aren't even real. One wipe and it's all gone. I hope you and Derek break up.  He needs someone better. You need to lose some weight too. When y'all break up his going to be with someone better and that's me. I'm way cuter than you and I'm not a hoe. I'm not fat either and I have real curls. So, bitch you need to go somewhere and die!

When Emma said that you grab Willow and run in the house slamming the door. Everyone looked at you. You put willow down and go to your room locking the door. You lay in the bed crying. Your a really strong person but what Emma said was hurtful.
While you were in the room crying everyone else was downstairs.

Derek: What's wrong with y/N
Aya: idk, she was outside with Emma

Then Emma walked in the door.

Aya: the fuck did you do to y/N
Emma: nothing
Derek: well, why did she come in the house running to her room.
Emma: idk

Then you walk downstairs.

Derek: babe, what's wrong
Y/N: mabye you should ask Emma
Derek: Emma!?
Emma: I told you I didn't do nothing, she lying
Y/N: really I'm lying. As soon as Aya left she started insulting me. She said I was ugly, fat, and a hoe. She said my hair was fake and my eyelashes. She said I was using derek for money. She even said I should die and for me and derek should breakup.

You were crying and fall to the ground.

Emma: she made up all of that she said my outfit was ugly.
Y/N: Why would I make up that. You sound dumb as fuck
Emma: see how mean
Y/N: Shut up before, I beat the fuck out if you. You just a lying little slut trying to ruin a perfect relationship.
Emma: y'all see how she threatening me.
Mike: you better be quite before she do what she said.
V.k: yea
Emma: she ain't going to do shit.

When she said that you snapped. You got up a walked over to her and punch her in the face. Then when she fell you kicked her. She was trying to cover her face but you hit her in the jaw. Soon Aya jumped in the fight punching her and kicking her. Kobe pulled you off and Mike pulled Aya off.

Y/N: don't ever talk about me. Don't come to my house. Don't talk to me, my boyfriend or my friends. (You spit in her face) BITCH!!
Emma: help me, derek
Derek: no, you heard her. Now get out.

She got up and left. Derek came up and hugged you.

Derek: I'm sorry she said that. I love you and listen I love you just the way you are.
Y/N: I love you too. Thanks Aya for backing me up
Aya: of course. I'm not going to let anyone talk about my best friend like that.
Mike: we warned her
Kobe: yea
Y/N: I love all of y'all

Then we all had a group hug.

Jiggy: i don't want to ruin the moment but my mom said me and cohen gave to go home.
Mike: I'll drop y'all home come on.
V.k: I'm coming
Kobe: yea same

Mike Kobe and Vallyk went drop jiggy and cohen home so it was just you, derek and Aya. Everything was chill after that. They came back and we just watched movies for the rest of the night.

Hey, y'all do y'all want more Drama like this? Comment and tell me.

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