Part 65

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Y/n Pov

I was downstairs getting a snack for me and a water for Aya when Laura asked me to go to the store with her So I say yes and She drove to the store and got down. When she got back in she hit me in the head with something and everything went black

End of pov~

Y/n was woken up by someone shaking her. When she opened her eyes it was Troy

You: Where am I
Troy: With me
You: Let me go
Troy: Why should I
You: Because I have kids
Troy: FUCK THOSE KIDS I DONT CARE ABOUT THEM THEIR NOT FOR ME. (he said screaming in your face)
You:Please ( you saying starting to cry)
Troy: Come watch her

He said to Laura. She came out the shadows and y/n looked at her. Troy left and Laura just stood there

You: Why I thought you were our
Laura: I was never y'all's friend. The day I seen y'all in the mall I was sent by Troy to Spy on you.
You: Wow and I trusted you I thought-
Laura: Shut the fuck up before I shoot you

Y/n let her head hang and just cried When Aya was laying in bed noticing y/n never came back so she went downstairs and seen the water and a bag of chips. It was weird so Aya called her name while walking the house

Aya: Y/n......Y/n.......Y/n

She stopped when Jai cane down asking her what she was doin.

Aya: Looking for y/n I don't know where she is
Jai: Did you call her
Aya: No

She did what Jai said and y/n didn't answer.

Aya: She didn't answer
Jai: ok that's weird she always answers

Aya got worried thinking about all of the bad things that could be happening to her.

Aya: What if Troy has her
Jai: How would he
Aya: he could if snuck into the house and knocked her out
Jai: Your right let's get everyone up

Both of them went wake everyone up and telling them to go downstairs. After everyone was down Jai started talking

Jai:We don't know where y/n is
Kobe: What do you mean you don't know where she is (he said nervously yelling)
Aya: Well she was in the room with me and she went downstairs to get a snack an a water for me after a little while she didn't come back so I went look for her and didn't see her
Derek: So your saying Y/n just disappeared
Jai: No mabye Troy kidnapped her
Lucci: What are we going to do
Aya: I tried to call her she didn't answer
Angel:He probably took her phone
Kobe: I'ma check her location on her phone

He checked the phone location and it showed a gas station 10 minutes away.

Kobe: It's showing a gas station like 10 mins away
Ballo: Well let's go

Aya got the twins and They all got in the car and went to the station. Kobe parked by the door and got down seeing y/n's phone on the ground.

Kobe: Look her phone
Angel:Why was she here in the first place
Lucci: She had to come here with someone cause her cars at home

The group was trying to figure this whole thing out While on the other hand Y/n was getting slapped.

Troy: I told you stop Fucking crying (he yelled)
You: I can't if you keep hitting me. I hate you (she screamed)
Troy: I don't care
You: What do you want from me
Troy: You
You: I don't want you
Troy: See so If I can't have you no one can
You: Please can you just let me go. You have Laura
Troy: I don't need Her. I'll kill her right now
Laura: Wait no please

Troy pointed the gun at Laura and she started crying.

You: Don't kill her
Troy: Why I don't need her
Laura: No please

Troy didn't move the gun away he kept it pointed at Laura and Just like that he shot her in the head. Y/n screamed and cried. And he pointed it at her

Troy: It's to late to beg now
You: Please Don't kill me I'm sorry

Y/n begged and begged but he didn't listen. He shot y/n in the stomach and walked out the room. She screamed in pain when the others were asking questions about Laura

Ballo: what about Laura where is she
Aya: She had a family issue
Jai: That is kinda weird that she never came back tho
Lucci: I'll check her location

She checked and it showed a house 30 minutes away

Lucci: She's at a house 30 minutes

They got back in the car driving to the house. When they got there the house they seen Laura's car and some other ones. All the boys got down and walked in they yelled her name. Ballo seen a door cracked open so he grabbed the boys and went in. They walked down an seen blood on the ground. Jai seen a gun and picked it up but it was full of blood. Once they walked all the way in they seen Laura dead and Y/n in a chair tied up bleeding out. They ran to y/n. Derek untied her and they layed her on the floor

Kobe: Y/n
You:It hurts ( she said soft spitting up blood)

A door open and all the boys looked. It was Troy, Jai hurried and turned around shooting him multiple times. Derek and the others carried y/n out the house
Angel called the cops. The girls seen her body and started crying. The ambulance soon came and rushed her to the hospital. The group followed. Once they were at the hospital the nurses and doctors took her in for emergency surgery. Everyone in the group was crying worried about y/n

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