Part 63

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By the time y/n woke up it was 12pm. She did her daily routine and went to the groups house. She knocked and Angel opened it.

You: hey
Angel: sup

He left from the door then walked to the backyard, you follow. Angel sat down and lightning his blunt. He took a puff an asked you if you want to hit it. Y/n said yes so he gave it to her then she hit it a couple of times blowing the smoke out. After 30 mins of sharing the blunt both of their eyes were red and they were laughing.

Angel: I asked her if we were gonna fuck and she blocked me

Y/n didn't know what he was talking about but they both were laughing. Soon they went in the house. Angel passed out on the sofa and Y/n did the same. Her head was on his chest and his arms were around her. A few hours later Derek woke them up.

Derek: Get up
You: yea I am
Angel: Sup

Both of their eyes were kinda red.

Derek: Are y'all high
You: no
Angel: na
Derek: Why y'all talking like that then
You: like what
Derek: all slow

They both started laughing.

Derek: y/n sense when do smoke
You: I just hit it a few times
Derek: you don't need to be doing it
You: Sense when do you tell me what to do
Derek: Im just worried
You: If you think I'm going to smoke every day then your wrong. I literally hit it a few times

He kept quiet and went back upstairs.

You: I hate people that try to run my life. I'm fucking grown
Angel: Felt
You: We should hang out more often
Angel: Yea

Y/n got up and went to Laura's room. She knocked and walked in.

Laura: heyy
You: hey
Laura: you just got here
You: Na, I been here
Laura: oh
You: my eyes red
Laura: a little
You: you got some eye drops
Laura: look in my bathroom

Y/n looked in the bathroom and found the drops. She put a few in both eyes blinking and wiping her eyes.

You: better
Laura: ya

She left out the room knocking on Ayas door then walking in

Aya: hey what's up
You: nun
Aya: Where the twins
You: with kobe
Aya: Me, Laura and Lucci are going to a party tomorrow wanna come
You: yea, I'm coming back

Y/n left out her room and walking to the kitchen she met up with Derek. She looked at him and decided to break the moment of silence.

You: I'm sorry about earlier
Derek: it good
You:No it's not cause your trying to protect me and I thank you
Derek: no problem
You: well I'm about to go back home
Derek: Can you stay
You: why
Derek: I miss your company
You: fine I'll stay
Derek: lets watch a scary movie
You: why, how about action or comedy
Derek: ok put on whatever

You pick a movie and start it. About 30 minutes into the movie Derek started talking.

Derek: I'm done with relationships
You: Feel you on that one
Derek: They say they care but don't give a damn about you
You: yep just using you. You learn who cares and doesn't but that's life it's fucked up even if you try your hardest to stay positive about everything. It soon comes crumbling down. Life is like a tree. It grows but soon the leaves start falling. Later on it all falls. That's when your at your lowest. But you can't let that stop you. You have to rebuild brick by brick.  My wall isn't nearly done but I'm working on it. I feel like my world is coming down but I try to stay positive and happy. I say I'm fine but inside I'm not. Everything right now in life isn't how I wanted it to be. I thought I would of had a happy strong relationship. But nothing last forever. It's ok because went Im back at my highest I ain't coming back down. I'm not gonna let no one bring me down
Derek: I love your motivation in life. Y/n your one of the most inspiring people I've met. Your view of life is different and I love that
You: ik and that's something I love about myself.

They continued to talk untill y/n said her good bye and went back home. When she pulled in her driveway the front door was opened a little. She hurried out the car and went into the house. The lights were off when she turned them on Troy was sitting on the sofa. Y/n gasped if fear

You: how did you get here
Troy: Don't worry, I wanna know why is their little kid clothes and toys upstairs
You: You don't need to know cause they aren't yours
Troy: Your still mine
You: no I'm not
Troy: Are you talking back to me
You: Yea and I don't care what you say because

Before she finished talking Troy walked over to y/n and choked her

Troy: You wanna be all big and bad.

You couldn't answer

Troy: ANSWER ME (he choked harder)
You: I... can't... breath ( you manage to get out but he didn't listen)

He kept yelling and asking you questions. Every time you wouldn't answer he would squeeze your neck harder. Soon you passed out. Troy left you didn't wake up untill the next morning. You get up not ready remembering what happened. She walked to the bathroom and see a hand print around your neck then you get flash backs from what happened last night. Y/n kept thinking how Troy found her and if the twins were ok. She called Kobe asking if the twins were ok trying not to sound worried. He said yea and she sighed in relief. The twins still had two more days with Kobe so she didn't tell him anything. She was sitting on her bed trying to figure out if she should tell anyone untill she heard a knock on the door. Y/n got nervous and walked downstairs to the door she slowly opened it and it was Jai and the others. He looked at you then your neck.

You: hey
Jai: What happened to your neck
You: nothing
Jai: Your listing

Y/n just moved away from the door. She didn't want to stay in the living room cause she kept having flash backs. Aya looked at her neck at then at her

Aya: Who did that to you
You: no one
Aya: Was it Troy
You: no
Aya: It looks like the same hand print from when he choked you out years ago
You: it was

Angel, Jai and Lucci was confused.

Ballo: Did he come here
You: last night when I left y'all's house my front door was opened a little and I went in turned the light on an Troy was sitting on the sofa. He started asking all kind of questions but then he started choking me and he only chocked hardest when I didn't answer but I could. I passed out and I just woke up this morning an seen the hand mark.
Derek: I thought you said he wasn't gonna find us here
You: I thought so but he found out some way
Aya: this isn't good did you check on Kobe and the twins
You: yea their fine
Laura: Good thing the twins weren't here
You: ik cause idk what he would of did
Ballo: Kobe and the twins need to stay where they are

Y/n called him an explained he needed to stay home with the twins and why. He kept insisting to come over but she told him no. Soon she hung up.


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