Part 24

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(Recap you and Derek were talking and he has something else to tell you.)

You: what is it
Derek: When I went for a ride. I stopped by Emma's house and we fucked.

When you hear those words come out of his mouth your heart dropped.

You: Really you cheat on me and it's only been a month we been dating.
Derek: I'm sorry, I was mad. If I can go back I would take it back.
You: really you were mad. Maybe I should just go around fucking people when I'm mad at you.
Derek: please forgive me baby. I'm REALLY SORRY.
You: You cheat and all I have done has been faithful in this relationship. When you complained about me being to close to Kobe in the room, I moved over for you to be happy. So it wouldn't effect our relationship.
And you talk about how Im all lovey dovey around Ballo. If you would have just told me how you felt, this could have been prevented. I'm disappointed in you Derek.
Derek: I'm disappointed in myself too. I'm really sorry. I don't love Emma, I love you. I don't want anyone else.
You: you should have thought of that when you went to Emma's house. I'm sorry to say this but we need a break.
Derek: Wait, no please don't breakup with me. I'm really sorry.
You: I need to think about this. Think about US. I'm sorry.

You lay down on your bed and cry. Derek walks to the bed to hug you.

You: Don't touch me
Derek: please, I'm sorry.
You: Just get out of my room
Derek: But-
You: I said get out, please (you say crying)

His eyes were watering and he walked out. He went to his room and Cryed.  You stay in your room and cry. You hear a knock at your door and someone walked in. It was Aya

Aya: hey Bestie
You: hi (you say in a soft voice)

She walks to the bed and see that you were crying.

Aya: what's wrong
You: Derek...... He Cheated! (You busted out cry)
Aya: what
You: he went fuck Emma.
Aya: Not that rude ass Bitch
You: yea, he did
Aya: did y'all break up
You: I guess, I told him we need a break
Aya: aww , it's ok just keep your head up. He made a mistake and he will never forget that.
You: I love him but I don't want to get hurt
Aya: well that's something he needs to think about.
You: he said he loved me and he's sorry
Aya: I'm going to stay with you and support whatever decision you make.
You: thank you, your the best.
Aya: want to come downstairs with me.
You: yea

You go in the bathroom and wash your face but your eyes were still red and puffy from crying. You and Aya walk downstairs and sit on the sofa. You lay your head on Ayas leg and get on your phone. Derek had posted a picture on IG


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Caption: Ever did something wrong that might change your life forever.

Supporter: Yea
Slimedupmike: yep, almost did
Kbreeezo: What's up bro
Prettyboiballo: Naw

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