Part 18

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You were up before everyone else. So you decide to make some pancakes. Then Kobe walks downstairs.

Kobe: Smells like pancakes
Y/N: that's what I'm cooking
Kobe: can I help you?
Y/N: Sure

Kobe walks to the stove and flips the pancakes.

Kobe: Bet, I can flip this one in the air
Y/N: Yea right

Then kobe went to flip the pancake and it flew in the air and landed on the floor.

Y/N: You just wasted a whole pancake
Kobe: Shut up
Y/N: You mad
Kobe: No
Y/N: Yea you are ( you stick your  tongue at him)
Kobe: You better stop before I F-

Kobe stopped talking because Derek walked downstairs.

Derek: good morning, mamas
Y/N: morning
Derek: What are y'all doing
Y/N: I was making pancakes and Kobe mad
Derek: why he mad
Y/N: cause he said he could flip the pancake in the air but it fell in the floor
Derek: oh, but wasn't y'all talking
Y/N: yea, kobe was going to say something but, he stopped when you walked down. So what were you going say kobe.
Kobe: Nothing
Y/N: oh ok

You finish cooking the pancakes and fix kobe and Derek a plate. Then the others walked in the kitchen and fixed their food.

Aya: these pancakes are good
V.k: yea, they bussin
Y/N: thanks I cooked them
Kobe: Wow no credits
Y/N: You dropped the pancakes
Kobe: True, but I tryed
Y/N: Since kobe being a baby, he helped to
Kobe: thanks

After eating everyone washes their plate and goes in the living room. You sit on the side of Mike.
He was scrolling through Instagram and got a text message. He read the message and looked at you.

Mike: I've been talking to this girl and I want y'all to meet her.
Y/N: yea, sure
Everyone else: ok

He texted her so she could come over. 10 minutes later y'all hear a knock at the door. Mike answers it.

Mike: this is Ruby
Everyone: hi
Ruby: nice to meet y'all

She was really pretty. She had short wavy hair and was slim just like mike. They sit by each other.

Y/N: so how long have you known mike
Ruby: about a month or two
Y/N: oh ok. I'm y/N
Ruby: pretty Name
Aya: my names Aya
Derek: I'm derek
Kobe: I'm Kobe
V.k: I'm Vallyk
Ruby: Thank y'all for inviting me
Y/N: Any friend of mike, is ours too.
Kobe: y'all wanna go swim.
Everyone: sure
Ruby: I don't have a swimsuit
Y/N: you can wear one if mine.

Your swimsuit ⬇️

Aya's swimsuit ⬇️

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Aya's swimsuit ⬇️

Ruby's swimsuit ⬇️

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Ruby's swimsuit ⬇️

We walk outside and to the pool

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We walk outside and to the pool.
Derek was staring at you.


You jump into the pool, splashing everyone. You came up from under the water and swim to the others.

V.k: That was a big splash
Y/N: ik
Derek: your swimsuit is cute, mamas
Y/N: thanks, bae

Y'all swim for a little while and go in the house. Everyone goes take a shower.

Kobe: I'm hungry
Y/N: me too
V.k: well me and the boys can go get something.
The girls: ok

The boys left and it was just me, ruby and Aya.

Aya: y'all want to watch a movie
Y/N: sure

Y'all walk into the movie room and chill watching movies.

(Ruby's thoughts: Mikes friends are really nice. The boys are so fine, especially Derek.) End of thoughts. Soon the boys walk in the movie room with Chick-fil-A.

Y/N: My favorite
Derek: ik that's why we went
Kobe: it's my favorite too
Y/N: your so jealous 🙄
Kobe: ik

The boys sat down and we all ate. Derek was sitting on the side of me and Ruby was sitting by Derek. We finished watching moviee movie and chill.

Ruby: Well, I need to head home
Mike: already, can't you stay
Ruby: no, I don't have any clothes.
Mike: Y/N can you give her some clothes?
Y/N: Umm, sure.

You walk to your room and get her a shirt and some shorts.

Y/N: here you go
Ruby: thanks 🙂
Y/N: no problem, I'm going to bed. Gn y'all
Everyone: night
Derek: I'm coming, in a bit
Y/N: ok

You walk to your room and lay down in your bed. You start to doze off.

Downstairs pov

Aya: I'm going to bed
Them: ok
Derek: me too
Kobe: same
V.k: right behind you.
Mike: come in babe, let's go upstairs.
Ruby: I'm coming just going to get something to drink.

End if pov

Derek walked into your room and layed on the side of you.

Y/N: Good night
Derek: hold on I'm going get my charger
Y/N: ok

Derek walks to his room to get his charger. Then Ruby walks in his room.

Derek: oh, mikes room is down the hall.
Ruby: ik
Derek: well why are you in here then
Ruby: to see you

Ruby started walking to derek. Derek backed up until he was against the wall. Ruby got in his face.

Ruby: Your really cute
Derek: I have a girl
Ruby: well she doesn't have to know.
Derek: no I would never cheat on y/N. Can you move please
Ruby: I want you
Derek: but I don't

She tried to kiss Derek but he moved his head and gently push her off if him.

Derek: I said I have a girl
Ruby: Well see
Derek: Watch when I tell Mike
Ruby: he isn't going to believe you
Derek: if you try that again, I'm tell him
Ruby: yea right

She walked out if the room and to mikes. Derek walked into your room .

Y/N: what took you so long
Derek: I couldn't find my charger
Y/N: oh, well good night
Derek: night, baby I love you
Y/N: love you too.

Do you think Dereks going to tell y/N what Ruby did?

Comment what you think.

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