Part 59

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Y/n woke up from her nap and the twins were laying on the side of her. She seen they were watching Moana. It was quite untill Violet broke the silence

Violet: mommy I'm hungry
You: Do you want some pizza
Lucas: yea

Y/n went on her phone and ordered 2 pizzas an wings. Soon the pizza arrived and they sat down to eat. You didn't see Kobe so you ask the twins.

You: do yall know where dad is
Lucas: he's at uncle Jai
You: oh ok

The twins finish eating and they go back upstairs. You text Kobe to see if he was coming back right now.

My Love ❤️😩

You: are you coming home rn
Kobe: no I'm with jai, ill be home later
You: ok I love you be safe
Kobe: I love you too

You go upstairs with the twins. They continue to watch Moana. When it finish y/n put on Finding Dory. The movie went on and the twins fell asleep. She went put them in their beds. It was 1am and Kobe still wasn't back. She called him an he didn't answer so she called Jai, he didn't answer either. Y/n started to worry an she was sitting on her bed shaking ber leg. The front door opened and she ran downstairs it was Kobe. He was walking kinda wobbly.

You: Babe ( she hugged him)
Kobe: Who I
You: what? Are you drunk
Kobe: No
You: Yea come on

Y/n walked behind Kobe walking up the stairs. When he got to the room he fell on the bed. She laughed and he went to sleep.


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