Part 47

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It's been 3 months since Kobe and Y/n started dating. Her and Derek have been hanging around more. And everyone is getting along good. Everything has been going smoothly but this morning Y/n wasn't feeling too good. She woke up and ran to the bathroom. When she got to the toilet she threw up. Kobe rolled over and seen y/n wants in bed and looked to see her throwing up.

Kobe: Are you ok, babe
You:n- ( she threw up before she finished her sentence)

Kobe didn't say anything else he just rubbed her back. Soon she was done throwing up. She brushed her teeth and took a shower. When she was done with all that, she sat on the bed.

Kobe: Now are you ok
You: A little, it still feels like I need to throw up
Kobe: Don't throw up on the bed
You: I won't
Kobe: Do you want me to go get you something
You: I want some candy, chips and ice cream
Kobe: ok

He got up grabbed his keys and walked out the door. Right after Kobe walked out Derek walked in

Derek: Hey Bestie
You: hi ( you say low)
Derek: What's wrong your not like yourself
You: I threw up like all morning
Derek: Aww, imma let you rest ( he rubbed her back)
You: thank you

Derek walked out and Laura and Aya walked in.

Laura: Hey, bitch
You: Hey ( you say low)
Aya: What's wrong?
You: I threw up all morning

Aya and Laura look at each other and raised their eyebrows.

You: Why are y'all looking at each other like that
Aya&Laura: Your pregnant
You: No I'm not ( you said confused)
Laura: How many morning have you been feeling like this
You: Just this morning
Aya: I think you should take a pregnancy test
You: I'm not pregnant
Laura: you might be
Aya: come on, time is ticking
You: ok

They all walked out her room and Laura grabbed her car keys. They went to the store to get the pregnancy test and drove back home. When y/n got back she rushed to the bathroom. Kobe and the others were sitting on the sofa. Y/n took the test and waited. She looked at it and screamed. Everyone rushed upstairs. Aya banged on the door.

Aya: Open the door
You: Who's with you
Aya: everyone is up here
You: Only you and Laura can come in

They followed your instructions. The girls walked in and looked at the pregnancy test.

Laura: omg, you are- ( y/n covered her mouth)
You: shhhh, there probably listening
Aya: Your pregnant ( she whispered)
You: Yea, how am I going to tell kobe
Laura: We should walk out and sit everyone down
You: ok

Y/n put the test in her pocket and they walked out. The boys were looking really lost.

Kobe: What's wrong
You: nothing
Aya: Come downstairs

The boys followed them and they sat down.

Derek: What's going on
You: Ok...... I'm pregnant

The boys mouth dropped.

Kobe: Your kidding,right
You: no ( she took the test out)
Ballo: Congrats to you I guess
You: Thank you Ballo
Derek: What am I to the baby
You: you can be uncle
Derek: ok
You: Babe, are you happy?
Kobe: I can't do this
You: Wait what
Kobe: I need to breathe

He walked to the backyard. While the others were in the house.

Derek: I will can wait untill this baby is born
Aya: Same
Ballo: how about you y/n
You: yea (her eyes were watering)
Laura: Why are you crying
You: I don't think Kobe's happy about the baby
Aya: he is, he's just shocked

Y/n wiped her eyes and sat down. Kobe came back in, sat on the side of y/n.

Kobe: I don't think I'm ready
You: What, Why
Kobe: I can barely keep track of myself
You: Were going to have help
Kobe: I just can't
You: What are you going to do, you literally stay in the same house
Kobe: I'mma have to move out
You: Really! Your going to leave
Kobe: I'm sorry
You: If you were sorry you would be fucking leaving
Kobe: babe, ju-
You: Shut the fuck up and get out my damn face! ( She screamed)

He grabbed his keys and walked out the door. Y/n didn't cry she just sat there mad.

Aya: It's not good for you to be stressing like this
You: you right
Derek: Don't worry about Kobe. We will help you with the baby
You: Thank you, I love you guys

They had a big group hug.

Laura: I'm going to schedule you appointment for tomorrow
You: ok, let's go get something to eat
Everyone: yea

They all got in Ballo's car. The girls in the back and the boys in the front. Ballo pulled out the driveway and drove to ( whatever restaurant). Everyone ordered and Ballo drove back home.

Ballo: Have you thought about baby names (he said to y/n)
You: No, I just found out
Aya: Harper Is a cute name
You: It is
Laura: I like the name Isabella
You: That's cute
Ballo: What about tony Jr
You: No (you say laughing)
Derek: Derek Jr sounds better
You:No (you say still laughing)
Aya: How about Kiyle
You: That's ok
Laura: Luke
You: I want it to be a girl and I was thinking Vilote
Aya&Laura: that's really cute
Ballo:Who's Last name is the baby getting
You: Mine
Derek: that's a good idea
Laura: Y'all want to go watch a movie
Everyone: yea

We all walk to movie room and put on (whatever movie you want) After awhile the movie was over and everyone went to their room. Y/n walked to her room and took a shower. When she was done, she walked to Laura's room.

You: hey
Laura: hi
You: I'm sleeping in here tonight
Laura: ok

Laura moved over and y/n layed on the side of her.

You: good night
Laura: good night

Both slowly went to sleep


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