Part 15

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Derek answers the phone and started talking for a little bit, then hung up.

Y/N: who was that?
Derek: Jiggy, him and cohen coming spend the night.
Y/N: oh ok, there on the way?
Derek: yea, come down stairs so we can tell the others

Y'all walk down stairs and sit down.

Derek: jiggy and cohen are coming spend the night
Mike: yess, now I get to see my son's
V.k: you mean my son's
Mike: will see about that

Then there was a knock on the door.

Y/N: I'll get it

It was Jiggy and cohen.

Y/N: hey, y'all
Jiggy: what's up pretty mamas
Cohen: yea, what's up with you
Y/N: don't call me that. The only person that can call me that is Derek
Cohen: What?
Y/N: yea, I'm Dereks girlfriend
Jiggy: well not for long.
Y/n: boy, I'm to old for you. You to Cohen
Cohen: age ain't nothing but a number.
Derek: Hey, chill out. Did y'all come to flirt with my girl or hang with us.
Cohen: both ,if you know what I mean
Y/N: Mike, Vallyk y'all better get them before I hurt them
Jiggy: shittt, I wouldn't mind
Mike: chill out
Vallyk: you to Cohen
Them: ok

You go sit by Aya and derek.

Aya: dang they all over you huh
Y/N: ikr, they acting like they want to hang out with me more than the boys.
Derek: Fr
Y/N: why are you listening to the conversation?
Derek: because, I'm right by you. I can hear
Y/N: ok😐

Mike: Y'all want to watch a movie
Everyone: sure.

Y'all walk to the movie room and everyone sits down. Cohen and jiggy were arguing about who was going to sit by you. Soon enough Aya and derek sat on each side of you.

Cohen: See what, you did
Jiggy: not me. If  you wouldn't have been pushing me
Cohen: No, if you wouldn't have-t
Y/N: Can y'all be quiet so we can watch the movie
The boys: Sorry, y/N

After a hour in a half, the movie ended.

V.k: what a god movie
Aya: ikr
Y/N: come in babe, let's go in the room I'm tired.
Cohen: ok, let's go
Derek: I think she was talking to me
Y/N: yes, u was talking to Derek.
Cohen: oh😔
Y/N: aww stop being such a simp 🙄.

Then you give him a hug and you and Derek go upstairs. You hop in the shower. Derek was laying down.

Derek: baby, hurry up before I fall asleep
Y/N: you better not fall asleep
Derek: if you don't hurry, u will

After 5 mins you walk out the bathroom and Derek was playing with Willow. You put willow in her bed then y'all lay down. Derek started playing with your hair.

Derek: your hair is really soft
Y/N: yours too
Derek: yea ik
Y/N: what do you not know😂
Derek: Wym
Y/N: it was a joke
Derek: ok, I love you
Derek: gn baby

He look at y/N and seen she was sleep so he gave you a kiss on the cheek.

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