Part 66

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The group waited while y/n was in surgery. Hours passed and she was finally put in a room. The doctor came out to talk to everyone.

Doctor: The Bullet went straight through and we did all we could but shes lost to much blood. She isn't going to make it. Y'all can go see her

They rushed into the room looking at y/n on different kind of machines.

Derek: Y/n say something ( he cried)
You: Lucas and Violet ( she said weakly and slowly)

The twins walked to the bed and hugged her.

You: I love you, ok
Lucas: Ok mom
Violet: Will we see you again
You: Later in life babies
Aya: Y/n I'm going to miss you bestie
You: me too

Everyone was crying not wanting her to go.

You: I love all of you

After she said her finale words y/n took her last breath. The room was quite and went gloomy. The doctors came in and took the body. The group went back home

After everything was situated the  Funeral was today. Aya and Lucci was getting the twins dressed.

Violet: I miss mom
Lucas: Me too
Lucci: We know y'all miss mom But y'all have to be strong for her, ok
The twins: Ok

They continued to get dress while the boys were downstairs waiting.

Kobe:Man I wish she didn't have to leave
Derek: Same bruh
Kobe: Fuck

He got up and left out the house going sit in the car. Soon they all left going to the funeral. The time passed and it was time to give speeches. Aya went first

Aya: Y/n was my best friend like a sister to me. I never thought she would of left like this. I-i

She stopped because she couldn't finished. The next person went one by one Last was Derek.

Derek: Y/n L/n is a name we will never forget. She was a friend, helper and more. The day I met her she just gave off this great energy. She always had a smile on her face. I wish I could talked to her one last time. Y/n was always nice to everyone and very loving. She cared about everyone. Now she's in heaven watching us right now. Lord knows we all want her back but she would want us to be strong. Man I miss her already........ When me and y/n would hang it was nothing but laughs. At least we have something to remember her by. Her two kids Violet and Lucas. Everytime I look at them it reminds me of her. The twins won't ever be lonely because they will have Aya, their dad, Lucci and everyone else. Y/n was just perfect. I know they say everyone isn't perfect but she was in my eyes. I remember the time when we went to the store and just threw different things in the basket that was fun. I'm gonna miss having deep conversations with her. The last deep conversation we had was very inspiring. She said one thing I will never forget she said You have to stay positive and Never let anyone bring you down. I'm going to take that advice, I think we all should. Just stay positive and think about all the good memories we had with her. We all are going to miss her but just stay strong.

At this time he was crying and so was everyone else. They all clapped at his speech. Soon the funeral was over and everyone went home.

I'm sorry I made the ending sad. I cried making this part Sorry to say it but


(Please tell me how y'all liked the book Over All. Was it good/Bad?)


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