Part 27

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~in the morning~

You get up and see everyone sitting down.

You: good morning
Everyone: morning
Derek: Ready to go home
You: yes, this bed is not to comfy.

The nurse walked in and said I can go home. Derek carryed you to the car. Soon, yall get back.

You: I'm hungry
Kobe: What you want
You: ummm, some Chick-fil-A and a Carmel frappuccino from McDonald's
Kobe: ok, who's coming with me
Mike, Vallyk and Aya: me

They leave and it's just you, Derek and Ballo. Ballo was on his phone and you and Derek were cuddling.

You: Ballo
Ballo: what
You: can you  hand me the remote

I put the movie "Get Hard" on.
Ballo looked like he was lonely

You: Ballo, what's wrong
Ballo: nothing
You: do you want to come sit with us
Ballo: sure

He sits in the side of me and Derek was on the other side. You give him some covers. Y'all were all sharing. Then the others can back with the food.

You: food
V.k: Fat Ass
You: Shut up because I have a whole person in me
V.k: O yea

Everyone sat down and ate there food.

You: That food was Bussin
Aya: Y'all should start thinking about baby names
You: yea
Derek: if it's a boy his name will be kaden
You: ok, it's going to be a girl so her name is going to be Bella Grace
Aya: that name is cute
Kobe: Does it matter if it's a girl or boy
Derek: no, idc
You: I'll love them ethier way.
Ballo: Can I be the Uncle
Derek: Yea
Kobe: what about me
You: a uncle or God farther
Aya: I'm the aunt
You: yesss
Mike: I'ma have the baby all drippy
V.k: like you can dress

Everyone laughed but Mike

Mike: I'ma show y'all

Then there was a knock at the door. You open it and it was a girl.

You: Who are you??
Girl: I'm Katlin
You: And what are you doing here?
Katlin: To see Derek

You turn around and look at Derek.

Derek: Why are you even here. We broke up like Years ago
Katlin: I still love you
Derek: I don't now leave
Katlin: why do you want me to leave
You: Cause, he don't love you no more. Stupid Bitch
Katlin: Who this Slut talking to
You: I'm talking to you and Call me a slut one more Time
Katlin: Sl-

Before she could finish you hit her in the face making her nose bleed. Derek pulled you off her before you could do anything else.

Derek:You don't need to do that mamas, you pregnant
Katlin: PREGNANT!!
Derek: Yes, now leave and don't ever come here again
Katlin: That's why you a hoe Anyway, I hope y'all BABY DIE.
You: BITCH, get out before I have to beat your Crazy ass again

She slammed the door and drove off.

Kobe: Damn, I thought I had crazy ex's
Derek: You the one that hooked us up
Kobe: Oh yea
V.k: Dumb
Ballo: Derek, you went out with that girl?
Derek: Yea, why
Ballo: That's one of my Ex's
Derek: well she didn't see you
Ballo: I'm glad too
Aya: Y'all dated crazy ass people
You: So I'm crazy
Aya: I'm sorry but you kinda are
You:You Right

After that happened everyone went to there room.

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