Part 64

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You and the group continue to talk.

Aya: What are we gonna do
Laura: let's just move

Everyone agreed but you

You: We can't keep moving he's just gonna find where we live. What we need to do is figure out who's telling him where we live
Derek: Right
Lucci: Maybe he has a tracker on your phone
You: No I got a new phone in the passed years and changed my number multiple times
Jai:What about your car
You: No I bought my own
Angel: Maybe he knows someone in the government Or hacked into the government date base
You: That's sounds Dumb asf like are we in a movie but good theory
Derek: He sold drugs right
You: yea
Derek: So maybe he got someone spying on us since the day he seen you in the mall
You: That sounds like something he would do. Like one time he had someone watching one of his dealers because he would never come back with the right amount of money
Ballo: Did he get caught
You: Yea
Aya: What did he do to him
You: Killed him
Lucci: Is their any possibility he would want to kill you
Jai: Why would you say that
Lucci: i-
You: no good question I'm not sure But I remember he caught his ex cheating on him and he killed him and made her watch then killed her.
Angel: Why did you date this Crazy psychopathic drug dealer anyway
You: He was nice and didn't tell me he sold drugs untill he trusted me
Laura: How long did that take
You: About a Year Or Two
Laura: I remember him telling me that ( she said to herself)
You: What you say Laura
Laura: nothing just thinking out loud
Aya: So if someone is spying on us that means he knows who the twins are for and where they are
You: Kobe and the twins need to come here so we all can stay together
Derek: I'll call him

Derek rung his phone and they talked.

Derek: He said he's coming
You: Ok
Jai: I think we should stay at our house cause it has more space
You:Ok I'll go pack me and the twins clothes

Y/n packed her and the twins clothes by the time she was done Kobe made it with Lucas and Violet. You walk downstairs and the twins run to you

Lucas& Violet: Mom
You: hey my babies I miss you
Lucas& Violet: me too
Violet: can we watch Dora
You: yea go to your room the tv is on

The both go and y/n goes with the others.

Kobe: Do y'all have any idea who could be spying on us
Ballo: We don't know
Y/n : Since your here we can go to the groups house

Y/n called the twins and they got in the car. The house was next door but they drove to have a car with space. Everyone got down going into the house. The twins went watch tv in Lucci's room. Laura's phone ran and she answered

Laura: Yea...But I......ok I'm coming
Laura: I have to leave y'all family issue
You: ok be safe pls
Laura: I will

She left out and the group just chilled. When Laura left she drove to Troys house

Troy:What took you so long ( he yelled)
Laura: I'm sorry babe but it takes 30 minutes to get here
Troy: Ok so what are they doing
Laura: Their at the groups house
Troy: The twins too?
Laura: Yea
Troy: I can believe she went have kids for some nigga, what's his name
Laura: Kobe
Troy: Yea and she fucked some other dude
Troy:If I can have her no one can so your gonna have to figure out how to bring her to me
Laura:ok babe
Troy: Love you I want her by tonight
Laura: Ok

Back to the group. Y/n was giving Violet a bath when she finished Violet went lay down. Aya was sharing her room with you so you went lay down on the side of her.

You: What you doin
Aya: lookin at TikTok
You: I'm going get a snack from downstairs want sum
Aya: a water

Y/n walked downstairs and opened the pantry then the fridge. She turned around and seen Laura

You: Hey
Laura: Hey I seen you were down here and I was gonna ask if you wanna come to the store with me get some snacks
You: Yea sure I'll go
Laura:ok come on

Y/n put down her snack and the water then got in the car with. Laura got in the driver's seat she drove to the store. Laura got down then got back in the car. She hit y/n on the side of the head with a gun and she passed out.

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