Part 61

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By the time the movie was over y/n was sleeping so Derek brought her to the room. When he was walking out Kobe watched him.

Derek: sup Kobe
Kobe: sup why were you in there
Derek: I was putting y/n in the bed
Kobe: oh ok
Derek: I'm leaving bye
Kobe: bye

Kobe goes in the room and wakes up y/n.

Kobe: get up
You: what
Kobe: When did Derek come over
You: earlier
Kobe:What were y'all doing
You: Why do you want to know
Kobe: I'm your boyfriend
You: you act like your not
Kobe: How
You: your barley home and you never tell me where your going
Kobe: I be with jai
You: yea ok but you could tell me when you leave
Kobe: why I'm literally next door
You: ok
Kobe: First off why did you switch the conversation I asked you what you and Derek were doing
You: If you really want to know we were Fucking ( she yelled)
Kobe: You didn't
You: I did and I regret leaving him
Kobe: Get out
You: Fine and I'm taking the twins with me.
Kobe: It's my kids too
You: I don't care

Y/n packed her some clothes and went pack the twins clothes and grabbed their hands.

You: come on let's go y'all
Violet: where we going
You: to Aunt Ayas

Y/n puts the twins in the car and they go nextdoor. You knock on the door and Lucci opens it. The twins run in and Lucci looks at you crazy.

Lucci: why does it look like your moving in
You: Me and Kobe had a augment an he put me out
Lucci: come on we can make room for you and the twins.

You both walk in. Everyone was in the living room.

Laura: heyy
You: hi
Derek: hey y/n
You: hi Derek and everyone else
Angel: why are y'all here with bags
You: Me and Kobe had a argument an he put me out so I came here
Derek: It's my fault huh?
You: no not Really. When you left he asked what we were doing and I just started saying stuff like why does he want to know blaa blaa then he asked he again and I said that we were Fucking.

Everyone's face was shocked.

You: Then I said that I regret leaving Derek for him and he put me out
Jai: Damn
Derek: So it's not my fault
You: no
Aya: idk who fault it is
You: probably mine but I'm tired of him just leaving the house and never telling me where he's going. Plus he always gets home late so the twins don't get time to be with them
Ballo: Well you can stay here untill all of this is over
You: ok

Y/n went to Ayas room and put her bags down. Sat on Ayas bed an got on her phone. Someone knocked on the door. Derek opened it.

Derek: hey
You: hey
Derek: wyd
You: nun
Derek: you good
You: yea I'm fine. Where's Jayda and Mason
Derek: She left me. She said I wasn't good enough
You: Did you try to keep Mason
Derek: I did but she won't let me and now I'm on child support
You: Wow. If me and Kobe would break up I wouldn't put him on child support
Derek: Well better than jayda
You: where do you find these girls derek
Derek: I don't, they find me
You: of course they do

They continue to talk until y/n leaves to go bathe the twins and put them to sleep. Y/n did her nightly routine and layed down by Aya.

You: good night
Aya: night


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