Part 51

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The morning hit and Y/n got out of bed. She didn't see Derek in bed but she just didn't worry. She did her morning routine and went downstairs. Kobe was the only one up on his phone

You: hey
Kobe: sup

Y/n sat on the side Kobe looking in his phone.

Kobe: Have you thought of baby names
You: yes. For a girl Violet kay
(Y/n last name). For a boy Lucas king ( y/n last name)
Kobe: Why don't they have my last name
You: Because we aren't together
Kobe: Can one of them have my last name
You: That would be weird, their goin think they step siblings
Kobe: ok, do you know the genders
You: Only Aya and Laura know. And don't go ask them because I want it to be a surprise
You: I'm serious kobe
Kobe: I won't
You: Promise
Kobe: I promise

Y/n got on her phone and kobe noticed she still had the ring he gave her.

Kobe: I wouldn't think you still will where the ring
You: huh
Kobe: the ring
You: Of course I'm going to wear it. I'm always going to wear it. Where's yours
Kobe: right here (he pulled the necklace from in his shirt). I knew if it was on my finger I would loose it.
You: That's a good idea. When I can't fit mine any more that's what I'ma do.
Kobe: I'm just realizing something
You: And what is that kobe
Kobe: That your not like the others girls. You will never be like them. You have feeling and you care for people's feeling. You don't like to see others down. I'm just hoping Derek treats you right. This this your-what 4 time taking him back ( he chuckled saying the last part)
You: yea it is but even though you have made mistakes I forgive you
Kobe: And I thank you for that. I'm sorry I left you because this could have been our perfect family. Me you and the twins
You: It still is our Family. The babies are yours too and I won't forget that. I want them to spend time with you and me. Their going to know there Dad not just me and Derek
Kobe: But Derek is going to get jealous
You: That's on him because I'm not going to stop my kids from spending time with their dad
Kobe: Thank you but to change the subject where is Derek
You: I don't know he wasn't in bed when I woke up.
Kobe: oh, you hungry
You: you know I am
Kobe: Wanna go get something to eat
You: yes

Kobe grabbed his keys and y/n went get in the car. He drove to ( whatever restaurant you want). They ordered and he drove back
Y/n had her arm on the arm rest and Kobe put his hand on top of hers. She just smiled and he continued to drive. Soon they made it back home, sat down and ate their food. While they were eating there food Derek came downstairs.

Derek: hey
You: hi
Kobe: sup
You: where were you?
Derek: I went get some donuts
You: And where are they
Derek: idk, I put them on the counter when I got back
You: ok

The others walked down and greeted everyone.

You: hey y'all
Jai: How y'all get something to eat without us
You: Y'all had donuts
Ballo: no we didn't
You: oh ok. No one was up and we were hungry
Aya: Well it's good
Laura: Me and Aya have to go to the store and get stuff for the baby shower
You: ok, when is it
Aya: a few days or so
You: ok
Ballo: Who wanna come get some food with me
Jai: imma come
Derek: me too
Angel: same

Everyone left to go do what they had to. It was just you and kobe again. Y'all go to the game room.
Kobe got on the game and you just watched

You: Kobe
Kobe: yes
You: Derek lied
Kobe: yea he did but don't stress it's not good
You: I'm not just thinking

Kobe finished his game and seen y/n had fell asleep so he picked her up and brought her to her room. Kobe went to his room and slept. Ballo and the other three boys got back about 20 minutes later.

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