Part 14

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Aya: get up you two before we be late for our flight.
Y/N and Derek: Hmm?
Aya: Get up we have to catch our flight
Y/N: OMG wat time is it?
Aya: Almost 10:30am.
Y/n: out flight leaves at 11:00am

You and Derek gets up and rush down stairs. You put on some sweats and one of Dereks hoodies. Y'all call the cab and leave to go to the airport. Y'all make it to the boarding station just in time. Everyone board and catch their breath.

V.k: I'm surprised we made it
Mike: yea

You are by the window and Vallyk and Mike are on the side of you. Aya, derek and Kobe are sitting together in front of y'all.
You post a picture on IG.

It's Y/N

500k LikesCaption: Guess we're we going!

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Caption: Guess we're we going!

Supporter: vacation

Ayaaaa: NYC ❤️
(Liked by creater)

VallykPena: Here we come

~load more comments~

You put your phone on DND until y'all land. After a few hours we land. We call a cab to bring us to our hotel. You and Aya share a room. Then Mike and Kobe share a room and Vallyk and Derek share a room. All y'all rooms are connected so y'all don't have to walk in the hall. The boys come to you and Aya's room.

The boys: were hungry
Aya: When are y'all not
Mike: Shut up
Y/N: I'm hungry too, where do y'all want to go.
Aya: how about Sonic
Everyone: ok

Y'all get Sonic then Go back to the hotel. Everyone is in mike and Kobe's room just chilling.

Y/N: I'ma go take a shower ( you tell Aya)
Aya: ok

No-one really notices you walk out. You grab your clothes and hop in the shower then you put some music on. You hear a knock on the door so you stop the music and put a towel around you. You walk and open the door.

Y/N: Yes
Derek: I was getting worried, I didn't know where you were.
Y/N: aww, well let me get dress
Derek: why can't I say in here
Y/N: because I need to get dress
Derek: aren't we together
Y/N: yea
Derek: Well I can stay
Y/N: Fine I guess, just don't stare
Derek: ok

You grab your clothes and unwrap yourself from the towel. You put your bra and underwear on. Derek was definitely staring.

Y/N: Do you know where my sweats are and my shirt.
Derek: idk
Y/N: Come on give them back
Derek: no, I like seeing you with out them
Y/N: Come on, im  insurcure about my body.
Derek: there is no reason to be insurcure. Your body is perfect, some girls would die for a body like yours. So don't ever let me hear that come out of your mouth again. I love you and and always will no matter what
Y/N: Thank you babe, you make me so happy.

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