Part 33

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We drive home and you walk in the house crying

Laura: What's wrong
You: he cheated again
Laura: aww come here ( she said as her arms were out.)

You sit on the side of her and then Aya came sit too.

V.k:I can't believe he did that
Mike: Where is he
Kobe: probably on his way back

Then Derek walked in the front door with his head down. He walked by the sofa where you were.

Derek: I'm sorry
Derek:I really am
You: Why did you cheat
Derek:I don-
You:I don't want to hear it

He looked mad because you interrupted him. He walked closer to you. You start breathing heavy and your hand starts shaking.

Derek: What's wrong
Aya: She's Scared

You started breathing faster. It felt like your chest was closing up. Then you pass out

Derek: Babe, babe (he said as shaking her)
Aya:She passed out(she said nervously)
Kobe: We need to bring her to the hospital

Kobe picked you up and brings you to the car. The others follow. Soon arriving to the hospital. Kobe picks you up and walks in.

Kobe:I need a nurse
Nurse: follow me

They put you in a room and give you air but you were still passed out. The others came in. Kobe walked to the bed.

Kobe: Please wake up y/n (he put his hand on your leg)
Aya: Wake up

It's been an hour since you passed out. Everyone is still there. You start moving around.

You: guys (you say softly)

They all got up and walked to the bed.

Kobe: are you ok
You: yeah ig
Derek:I'm so glad your ok (he said with excitement)
You:Can you get out?
Aya:he just wants to know if your ok
You:I don't want him here, get out Derek!
Derek:ok, see y'all

And he left. The nurse walked in as he walked out.

Nurse:Miss y/n you can go
You:ok thanks
Nurse: Keep an eye on her because she is still a little high of the oxygen
Kobe: We will

You get dressed and Kobe and Ballo help me to the car.

~At Home~

They sit you on the sofa.

Kobe: you comfy

He sits on the side of you and Aya came sit by you too

Aya:Are you ok Bestie
You:yea, but idk where I'm going to sleep because I don't have my own room
Kobe:you can sleep with me
You:then everyone is going to suspect something
Aya: you can just sleep with me
You: ok I'm going get my clothes
Kobe:want me to go with you
You:no I'm fine

You get up and walk to Dereks room. He was laying on his bed wrapped in a blanket crying. He quickly turned his head when you enter.

Derek: Hey
You:....hi I just came to get my clothes
Derek: please don't go
You:I'm sorry, I have to do this
Derek: Please (he was crying)
You:I love you but I just can't (your eyes were watering up)

Once you blink tears came out of both eyes. You look at Derek and grab your clothes, then walk out the door to Ayas room. When you walked in she was sitting on the bed. She seen you were crying

Aya:it's ok

You fall of the bed and curl into a ball. She hugs you.

Aya:you have someone else that loves you
You:ik but I love him too
Aya:You have to be strong
Aya: Now go take a bath and get some rest

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