Part 58

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Y/n was woken up by Kobe shaking her. She tried to stay sleep but he kept shaking her. He stopped so she fell back to sleep. Kobe had went get some water then stood over you.

Kobe: get up or I'm going to pour this water on you

Your get pops out from the cover an look at Kobe.

You: you won't
Kobe: I will watch

He kept acting like he was going to pour it on her untill some actually spilled out.

You: ok I'm up
Kobe: put your swimsuit on
You: where we going
Kobe: to the water park with the others
You: yea ok

Y/n went do her morning routine and put on a cute swimsuit. Then went put the twins swim wear on. Once everyone was done getting ready they all got in the car driving to the water park. It was a 30min drive so the twins took a nap. When we arrive everyone got down an got their bracelets. Y/n found a nice cool place with a umbrella and trees by it. Y/n put sunscreen on the twins then herself and handed it to Kobe.

Kobe: your not going to spray me
You: yea I am

He stood up and you sprayed him with the sunscreen.

You:Do you know if the others are here
Kobe: no imma call Jai

He called Jai and he answered.

Jai: What's up
Kobe: are y'all here already
Jai: we at the front
Kobe: ight

He ended the call

Kobe:They at the front
Lucas: can we go meet them
You: come on

You grab both twins hand. You seen them getting their bracelets soon they came through the gate.

Aya: hey
You: hey girls
Violet: look at my swimsuit ( she told Laura)
Laura: it's cute
You: come on yall our stuff is over here

Everyone walked over to the spot y/n found. They took turns spraying each other with sunscreen. That rude ass bitch had to say something.

Jayda: You couldn't find a cooler spot
You: it's a water park it's not supposed to be cold.

Before a argument started Ballo said let's go in the pool. Y/n put floaties on the twins an they went in the wave pool. The waves pushed them up and down.

Lucas: this is fun
Violet: yea
You: Y'all want to go on the slide
Them: yes

Y/n and the twins walk to the kids area of the water park. Lucas climbed up the latter then slid down. Violet went play with the water guns and tryed to shoot y/n. Once they played there for a while they went to the lazy river. Y/n grabbed a floaty and grabbed two little ones. She made sure they stayed close. While they were floating around Violet seen Jai ,Angel and Kobe.

Violet: Dad

Lucas just copyed Violet

Lucas: Dad

Kobe heard the twins and looked back. The three boys moved passed other people and came by them.y/n was in her own little world so she didn't noticed anything that was going on. Kobe noticed Y/n wasn't paying attention so he decided to scare her. He went behind her and tapped her shoulder. Jai and Angel hid the twins. Y/n kept looking around to see who was touching her but she noticed the twins wasn't right there. She got out her floaty and started to yell their names bringing attention to her. Kobe came up behind her and she jump. Y/n told Kobe she didn't see the twins and she was freaking out. Jai and Angel came behind both of them and the twins yelled Boo.

You: omg their y'all are. Where were you two
Violet & Lucas: with uncle Jai and Angel
You: oh did y'all do this on purpose
Kobe: Yes

Y/n said it was not funny when they laughed. All of them got out and went back to the spot they had.

Lucas: I want a ice cream
Violet: me too
You: Are y'all coming get one with us
Tg: yea

We walked to the ice cream stand. The twins got vanilla, you get( your fav kind) the others get what ever. When they made it back to the spot the others were there.

You: oh hey y'all
Lucci: hey
Ballo: Did y'all just get here
You: no we went get ice cream
Aya: I'm tired
Angel:me too

Everyone just sits down. The ones that had ice cream they finished eating. Lucas layed his head on you falling asleep. You look at Kobe and see Violet doing the same thing.

You: We leaving
Everyone: ok

We grabbed all of our things and get to the car. It was 4pm when we got back home. Y/n went wash the twins and their hair when she finished she went shower and wash her hair. She put her hair in messy bun and put on a pair of Nike pro shorts on with a big hoodie. The twins took a nap so y/n did too

 The twins took a nap so y/n did too

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Violet's swimsuit^^

Lucas swim trunks^^

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Lucas swim trunks^^

Lucas swim trunks^^

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Your swimsuit^^

Kobe had on the swim trunks with the shark on it. ( If you seen the tiktok with him and Jai)

Moving Back To New Jersey/ Hoodie boysWhere stories live. Discover now