Class Representative & Break-In

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Izuku had no idea that the media would catch on this fast about All Might working at UA. Nedzu had dropped him off with Shoto a good walking distance from the entrance gate to not draw attention.

Because Nedzu wanted to see how long that they could keep the secret of Izuku being his son. Nedzu had warned them before he drove off to the teacher's parking lot about how there was a chance that there would be some reporters near the gate. But he didn't expect so many of them to be there. And when they noticed how the two were in school uniforms, they immediately rushed them to ask multiple questions about All Might.

Their response? To ignore them and keep walking through the gate. Izuku wanted to say something to ask how exactly they got that information or inform them about rules against questioning minors or if they got permission to be that close to the entrance gate.

Shoto dragged him by his wrist sleeve to gently move him through the crowd without drawing too much-unwanted attention to them.

When a reporter woman tried to drag them back to answer, Aizawa met her eyes with a glare and said that they all needed to step back and stop disturbing his students.

And like always, Iida showed up first before the other students and sat patiently in his desk. He would be the earliest student no matter what school he went to. Iida looked up when the large door opened to find Shoto dragging Izuku in the classroom by his elbow.

"I caught him," Shoto announced. He held out Izuku by his shoulders like he was presenting his prize that he won at a fair. Izuku had his arms crossed like he was a child being scolded.

Iida looked to Izuku before looking at Shoto, "Pardon?"

"I was trying to take the vents to surprise you," Izuku said, "But Sho-Chan stopped me before I could that."

Shoto dropped his hands from Izuku's shoulders. Shoto raised both of his eyebrows, "How could I not? We arrived at the same time and dealt with all those reporters. And the 'look over there!' trick only works a limited amount of times."

"Ah, the media. They were quite difficult to get around. Thankfully, I showed up when there were only starting to crowd around the entrance gate. I did give them a short statement when they had asked about All Might being our new teacher," Iida recounted.

"What did you say?"

"Well, I thought it was wise to just say 'no comment'. I originally wanted to praise All Might for his work as our teacher so far, but it would be wiser to conceal as much since he does attract a lot of attention," Iida said.

Izuku found his seat while Shoto occupied his own desk near the back of the classroom. Shoto started to summarize their own experience with the reporters outside to Iida who was listening.

"Hey, Sho-Chan, Ten-Chan," Izuku called out to his friends, "I had some ideas the other day when I was designing some stuff to add to my costume."

Iida asked loudly from the other side of the room, "You are adding more things to your costume? But you have just received your costume yesterday!"

"Relax, Ten-Chan. These additions are just ideas for the future. I'm not even sure about adding them yet," Izuku responded. Iida paused with his arm in mid-chop motion. "Plus, I have more ideas about the two of you than I do for me."

Iida's chopping went still, "Addition ideas?"

"Yes, starting with Shoto, I would just put more of an protection armor on his costume to make it more protective," Izuku said as his thoughts continued to run miles around his mind. "The insulation is already there, so there should be no changes in that design at all. I have ideas about support items you can use. Mei had this idea for grenades so I was wondering about making something like that for you to use like spontaneous freezing bomb or a fire starting bomb. They could be like different bombs that allows you to use more power behind your ice and fire. Like certain gases or liquids inside, I'm not sure what to use inside yet. I might have to talk about Uncle Power Loader about the science of it."

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