Sports Fest: Cavalry Race

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"Izuku-kun," Iida said as he walked up with Shoto at his side who was looking around as everyone started to find teams away from Izuku.

"Before I hear anything from you two, yes I knew the consequences and yes I would like you to be on my team because I have a great plan that guarantees success," Izuku says before his friends could say anything in return.

Shoto shrugs, "Well, that answered all of my incoming questions."

"Mine as well. So, to recap, there is a minimum of three players and maximum of five players. Hopefully it will end up being even at the end, so it will be better for match ups," Iida explained as he pushed up his glasses.

"What happens if it's odd?" Shoto asked.

Izuku answered with a grin, "Oh, they will probably drop one or add one depending on points leftover or something like that."

Hatsume appeared from seemingly out of nowhere with a bright smile, "Hey greenie!"

"Hatsume-Chan!" Izuku greeted before gesturing over to his friend and back to her. "Quick introduction since I don't think you have met her yet. Hatsume, these are my friends, Iida Tenya, Fuyukuama Shoto and Shinso Hitoshi. This is Hatsume Mei and she is from the support course. She makes a lot of cool inventions and I talk to her about dominating the world a lot."

'Say what now?' Shinso thought to himself for a brief moment while the other two just nodded like that's what they expected to hear. Hatsume laughed wholeheartedly as Izuku looked proud of himself that he found an ally in denomination and destruction. 'Is this a normal thing?'

Shinso still looked thrown off for a minute as Hatsume started to ramble with Izuku about the inventions she had at her disposal.

"Can I snag that final position on the team? You and I both know I need to show off my babies," Hatsume asked with an easygoing grin.

"Hmm, that depends what kind of babies you are showing off this round?"

Hatsume tilted her head before throwing down a suitcase right in front of him out of  nowhere, "Well, I made this based on the pro hero, Air Jet's backpack, adding my own original spin on it."

Izuku hummed to himself and nodded, "Yes. It would work quite well with my plan."

"And what exactly is your plan?" Shinso asked despite the voice in his head telling him to form his own team.

Izuku turned his attention towards the teen he shot through the air, "I am so glad you asked."

Shinso couldn't help but feel a creeping sensation of dread climbing up his spine even though Izuku's expression read to everyone else as innocent.

"Don't worry," Izuku gestured with his hands. "I will make each of you stand out for the sponsors and heroes watching."

"What?" Shinso asked with a confused tilt of his head.

Shoto informed him. "Oh, that's just the way he is. He'll find some way to make sure we stand out."

"But wouldn't that make him stand out less, which is the exact opposite of what you are supposed to do here?"

"If you think he will fade into the background, then you just haven't seen what he is capable of. The first round was only a hint," Iida told him as he pushed up his glasses.


"All the teams have been formed with the minimum of three and maximum of five being reached. Each team has their headbands with the points from what they earned in the previous match," Midnight reiterated to the crowd as the camera panned from each team of students. Each team has one rider with multiple people holding them up.

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