Intermission: Rocklock's Special Delivery

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RockLock was happy about being a new dad, but he wasn't exactly happy about having to go to the office to pick up some paperwork while his wife was home with their newborn.

She reassured him that she had it all handled and that he was free to go get the needed paperwork. She kissed him goodbye at the door before he left and raised their little son's hand to wave him goodbye.

He was still off on paternity leave for at least another month until he could get his family settled down enough for him to come back full time. So all he had to do was get in, get the paperwork, and get out to go back home. Maybe he could pick up some of his wife's favorite fast food on the way back.

Rocklock thought about the good soba place around the corner while he walked into his own pro hero office. It wasn't as big as the more popular heroes, but it was a relatively good place to house his sidekicks and his business workers.

The walls were painted with murals that were different from any cream walls or dark colors that other pro heroes had in their agency.

"Oh sir! You're back!" One of the sidekicks spoke out, making more eyes turn to him. He walked past their cubicles that were decorated in their own style. One of his favorites was one decorated with black, orange and red colors. "You're back too early."

"I just came to pick up some paperwork, that's all," Rocklock replied, raising a hand to wave at the workers before heading inside his office.

He walked into his office with a determined expression on his face to get the paperwork on his desk and get out. Only for his eyes to widen at the sight of a large gift basket waiting on his desk.

He passed by the signed album of his favorite band on the faded yellow walls to walk up to his natural wooden desk. The gift basket was sat right next to the pile of paperwork that he needed to look through.

The gift basket had onesies, a pair of pacifiers, two packs of small socks for the baby's feet, a stuffed teddy bear, and several bottles of baby soap.

His lips lifted up into a smile at the gift basket. His office had already gotten one for him before his paternity leave. But it was thoughtful of them to give even more.

Rocklock walked into the office area with the basket under his arm. "You know you guys didn't have to get me another basket, right?"

"Sir, we didn't give you another gift basket," one of the ladies spoke up from her cubicle that was dressed in shades of purple. "That one was dropped off at the office actually. Fatgum delivered it."

"Fatgum? That was nice of him. Maybe I'll pay for his Takoyaki next time," Rocklock responded, prying around the basket until he found the little note tag. But instead of being the bigger note with Fatgum's personal emoticon that he likes to draw, it was a more simple style of kanji.

Rocklock's eyebrows furrowed as he laid the gift basket down on one of the long tables right outside his office door. He flipped the note open more to see a little message.

'Dear Pro Hero Rocklock

I heard about your little bundle of joy through the grapevine. I wish you a peaceful transition into fatherhood. Word of advice, get as much sleep as you can.


"N? Who is that? Are they a pro hero?" Rocklock asked out loud. "Does anyone know who sent this?"

"Fatgum said it was from Nedzu," A sidekick with glasses added while some sidekicks behind her reacted to the news.

Some of the sidekicks reacted more strongly than others, "Nedzu?!"

The sidekick continued, pushing up her glasses. "I think Fatgum said it was because he thought out and wanted to give you some advice or something similar."

"Oh, right," Rocklock sighed. He dragged his hands down his face. "I forgot he had a son. Fatgum told me about him before."

"He has a son?" One of the other sidekicks asked, stunned by the news. "Really? I thought that was just a myth!"


Nedzu sneezed into a pocket square from his vest.

Recovery Girl glanced over at the principal, "Are you getting a cold?"

"Hmm. No. I don't normally get sick at all," Nedzu responded calmly. "Rocklock must have just received his present from me after all."

"Ah," Recovery Girl nodded, like that was the most obvious answer as she organized the vitamin gummy candies she had. "Did you catch Izuku's performance while you were looking at the third year stage?"

"Indeed. I have a screen in my personal area just so I can catch up with how he's doing. So far, he has been using his skills nicely."

"I'm sure you are very proud of him," Recovery Girl.

Nedzu nodded to himself, "As proud as a father should be."

Recovery Girl smiled at him before turning to her bandage cabinet to recheck her stock before the battles began. She would have a lot of work to do once the students started fighting.

Nedzu pulled out his phone to check the online news for any activity happening near his school before his eyes rested on an article title about the Hero Commission. His eyes darkened once he started to read the full article on the screen, hoping that the Commission isn't stupid enough to be considering what this article is insinuating.

'Hero Commission is Considering Giving Second Chances'

'Hero Commission Mentions Getting More Firepower to Defeat Rising Threats'

Nedzu hit the power button on his phone before hopping back onto the tiles of the nurse's office. He marched ahead back to the third year stage with a blank smile on his face, not letting anyone see what kind of emotions are broiling underneath.

If the Commission brings him back, Nedzu will put him back where he belongs. One way or another.

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