Izuku & Mirio

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(This takes place a month before the Entrance Exams)

Izuku fumbled with the last shot he aimed towards the target, making the arrow veer off even more towards the right than his last attempt.

"Alright," Snipe said. Izuku looked down to see all the arrows decorating the grass around the target with none of them actually on it. Snipe whistled at the fallen arrows while Izuku groaned. "Welp, it looks like you still need a bit more practice with the bow and arrow before I let you hold a gun."

Izuku looked down at his bow and arrow before looking up at Snipe, "Why can't I just train with a gun instead?"

"First, your dad will plan my death if you even get a scratch under my care. I hate to see what he does to me if you get some kind of wound from a gun backfiring on you or worse," Snipe retorted, his shoulder shivering a bit when he thought if what Nedzu might do to him with an incident like that ever were to happen. "And secondly, the whole point of this is for you to learn how to aim, so when you do try with a gun it will be much easier for you to pick up on."

"Can't argue with your logic on that. I guess I just need to practice more, I'll get the hang of it sooner than later," Izuku answered back, rubbing his thumb against the smooth wood of the bow.

Izuku took Snipe's offer to help him learn how to deal with more advanced weaponry like guns in comparison to his smoke bombs and pepper spray. He originally thought he would just go straight to the shooting range and learn from there, but Snipe was taking it slow with him by teaching him the basics of the bow and arrow. So Snipe took him outside the UA building to one of the training areas for his first lesson.

After finishing up, Snipe led him back to the UA building with a reminder to practice more training exercises to help with his archery. Izuku nodded back to him before he heading off to the faculty lounge.

"Ah, young Izuku! How nice to see you."

Izuku turned around at the familiar voice to see All Might in his lankier form. "Hello, Uncle Toshi. You took your vitamins today, right?"

"I did," Toshinori smiled proudly, "How are you? How is training?"

"I'm okay. It will take me a while to practice archery to perfection. But I won't give up when it could help me in the future." Izuku breathed out, "How is training with Mirio?"

"It's going great! I am meeting Mirai and Mirio on a beach to finish up our summer training. Mirio has taken care of almost all of the beach already, but I would like to extend the invitation to you," Toshinori offered.

Izuku looked confused. He tilted his head at the offer, "Why do you want me to come? Would I be more of a nuisance since this is Mirio's training to take on... you know... the successor quirk thing?"

"No! Not at all! Young Mirio wanted to invite you to show you what it was like on the beach. He has previously invited young Tamaki and Nejire to show them the beach as well," Toshinori explained.

"It's just to clean up the beach, right? Ah, sure. It shouldn't be a problem then," Izuku grinned, "I'll just help out Mirio senpai with cleaning up some litter left on the beach. What's the worse that could happen?"

Toshinori smiled gratefully before Izuku turned around to inform Nedzu about the outing he was about to take.

He was proud that Mirio was taking on All Might's quirk just cause of how hard he had worked to perfect his quirk over the years he spent at UA. Izuku still remembers the first time he met Mirio when he was the first year at UA, back when he was only twelve


Izuku was walking to Ectoplasm's math class to check in on what he was doing. He made it a habit to check in on the teachers only when they had the time and weren't too busy. He checks on him while his class was working on group projects to see how he was doing and if he needed any coffee from the faculty lounge.

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