A Broken Red Feather

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Iida was walking with Ojiro down the dirt pathway through the forest. So far, he had been taken off guard at least once due to the other class, but he knew he was making his class proud since he was not falling for the same scare tricks.

He grew up with Izuku, Shoto, and his big brother. He knows all of the best scare pranks. However the one Class 1-B student whose head popped up from the ground truly gave him a scare so bad he grabbed onto Ojiro who, in turn, had a grip on him.

Most of the other small stops they passed by were not as scary as he originally thought it would be. However the student that can disappear into shadows was very close to making him scream like a banshee if it wasn't

Ojiro kept glancing at him during their mostly leisurely walk. In fact, it had been a while since they had spotted Class 1-B students or got scared by them. Ojiro let out a deep breath then turned his head to him with a confused frown. "This might be a bit personal but are you, Shoto, and Izuku actual fiancés? Or is it an elaborate inside joke?"

"Hm." Honestly he should have been expecting this question since he heard them all the way back in their first week of classes. "It is mostly the second one."

'Mostly?' He could see Ojiro mouth the words out of the corner of his eye in response to his answer.

He turned to look away from the blonde to observe the forest that was slowly becoming more and more dark as the sun set. The lush greenery drew his eyes to the natural floral decorating the ground with bushes and bristles all scattered about. There was something peaceful even though they were waiting to walk into their next scare checkpoint. Honestly, this would be a nice place to just camp normally outside of the training camp—

"What's that?" Ojiro's voice interrupted the beginning of his daydream. The fear in his voice caused him to turn his head quickly to see that Ojiro's trembling finger was pointing towards the direction they had just come from.

Iida frowned at the sight that Ojiro was pointing at. A slowly moving wall of gas creeping past trees and through the tall grass and bushes. "That's strange. There was no word on additional obstacles."

And if it was a true obstacle, wouldn't it have activated for them as well? Was this a delayed attempt or something else?

Ojiro quickened his pace, an action that he quickly copied since the mysterious gas seemed to be getting closer with each step they took. His partner swished his tail behind him as they started to briskly jog away from the approaching smoke. Ojiro asked, "Do any of the Class 1-B students have a quirk like this?"

"No," He quickly replied. Yaoyorozu and him had looked over the quirks and names before to make sure they could be in somewhat good standing with the other hero students.

"Students! Find a safe place! This is an emergency!" Mandalay's words ran through their heads which caused both of them to stop in their tracks. Iida looked over to his partner and saw the shock through his eyes. "A fire has broken out in the forest and there are villains being reported in the area! We give you permission to use your quirks to defend yourselves!"

Iida breathed in deeply. Villains are in the forest, there is a gas creeping up behind us, and there was a fire that would no doubt spread through the trees. Great. What's the best course of action here? What should be prioritized.

Ojiro started to pick up his pace which is an action that he quickly copied. The last thing they needed was to find out what that gas would do to them. Ojiro asked, "Do we try to head back to the camp?"

"No." Iida quickly denied that option. "There is a strong possibility that villains might be attacking the heroes near the camp. What other way would they know that villains are attacking?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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