Embarassing Revenge

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And like Aizawa said, Tenya and Shoto had their embarrassing spotlight the week that followed. It started bright and early on Monday when Aizawa had put a pottery project that Shoto had made when he was younger on his desk.

It was a small and simple vase object that had red paint all over it with white splashes to resemble something like flowers. And everyone could tell he did it because of the obvious carving of his name in kanji on the side.

And that was only the beginning.

Cementoss changed his background for his computer projected on the wall to all three of them as kids which was more heartwarming than humiliating. He could still see Tenya drag a hand down his face as he started to write his notes. He glanced at Mina to see that she kept looking back up at the photo to look at the young faces of her classmates.

Shinso grinned in the back while Midnight started to recount a story about how Shoto thought that fairy tale creatures were from actual history. She went into detail much to the delight of the girls when she recalled how Shoto ventured into the forest to try and lure unicorns to him.

"When I asked why they would be lured, he said that they would like his colors," Midnight added, gesturing towards Shoto's hair and eyes. Shoto pouted with his arms crossed as some of the girls giggled in their seats. "I had to tell him that they were from the west and that Japan didn't have creatures like he read about."

Shoto groaned as they were waiting for another class to start while Tenya pushed his glasses up. "It could have been worse?"

Between classes, Snipe passed by the trio and ruffled all of their hair as he walked without stopping towards his classroom. Izuku smiled as Tenya tried to flatten out his hair while Shoto didn't bother reaching up to fix his hairstyle. He stifled a laugh at the bedhead look that Shoto was sprouting since his white and red hair strands were mixing together.

Present Mic's class went normally until near the end when Mic paused in his lesson to pull up an example video. Izuku looked over to his friends to see how tense they were, waiting for the surprise to happen.

"I found this video when looking for good examples to show you," Mic began as he tapped on the keyboard of his laptop. The projector was already on and the class was watching as he dragged the mouse over to the video player in his files. "Thankfully, I had this video stored on my personal computer so I switched it over to my work laptop to show all of you. This should help with your pronunciation from hearing it directly."

"Personal computer," Shoto pointed out quietly. "That can't mean anything good."

Tenya's eyes darted to the screen to see what Mic's mouse was pointed to. His eyes widened when he saw the title simply labeled 'Vroom'. He shut his eyes and sunk his head into his palms to try and hide. He mumbled through his palms as the video started, "Oh no."

The class watched as the video began with a young man sitting in front of the camera. "This is my good friend, Iida Tensei. You all may recognize him as a the pro hero, Ingenium and Iida's older brother."

By now, everyone in class was either watching the screen intensely or glancing back at Iida for his reaction. Because the class has already learned from the past two weeks that the teachers are actively trying to embarrass three specific people from their class.

They all watched as Tensei began to practice his English on video with Mic guiding him through what he wanted him to say.

"This seems so silly," Tensei laughed.

"He looks cute," Hagakure whispered.


Mina 'aww'ed at the screen when the young version of Tenya ran up to his brother's side. "Oh my god. Look at him,"

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