Manual's Manual on Internship

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Manual led them into the agency building with a welcoming grin on his face even as sidekicks hustled around them.

The room was painted light blue with natural wood trim. The dark blue carpeted floors complimented the white cubicles where people were working hard either on the computers or answering calls on their headsets. Along the walls were several houseplants with natural wooden hanging shelves holding potted plants high above.

Several portraits of drawings that seemed more random despite the blue and green theme of the room. It felt like the portraits were bought randomly like they were found at a thrift store or donated to them.

"This is the Manual agency," Manual gestured with his wide open arms to introduce the place to them. He turned to them with the grin still on his face. "This week, you will learn directly from me."

"Thankfully, I only have a bit of training planned for today. I'll bring you to the training room after a short tour," Manual continued, walking past the outer walls of cubicles. "And tomorrow is when I will bring you both out for patrol."

Izuku hummed, crossing his arms behind his head, "I'm curious. Why did you choose us for the internships?"

"I chose you two for my interns because of two different reasons. I chose Iida because I felt similar to him," Manual answered. "And I chose you because the way you fought during the festival was smart yet careful."

"Ah," Izuku nodded, intrigued by a shelf with a hedgehog-shaped vase. "So you said something about a tour?"

"Ah, right! Um, I'm a little rusty on being a tour guide," Manual cleared his throat and gestured to the lines of cubicles where groups of people were steadily working at their own pace. "Here is the cubicle office space. It's a more open layout so it doesn't feel as suffocating as a regular office building."

Manual raised his finger like he was listing off an important fact, "That's important to know when you have your own agency in the future. You need to make sure everyone working with you is comfortable in the work environment."

"That's logical," Iida stated as they continued to walk past the lines of plants.

"Next we have the bathrooms. There should be three separate bathrooms on this floor right by the elevator towards the back. You should see them right near the flower vase painting," Manual pointed in the direction quickly, letting their eyes stay in that direction before gesturing with his hand towards a nearby room. "This is the break room where everyone can store their lunches or get refreshments."

Manual guided the two past the busy area, stopping briefly to pick up a pen one of the workers had dropped on the floor. He gave it to the employee as they passed by.

"Now I'll just guide you both upstairs where the training room is. When we get there, I can determine how much I can teach you."

Iida glanced at his friend to see Izuku watching the area intently as they continued past a door leading to a stairwell. In the stairwell, a fake vine was curled around each step like it was solely responsible for holding it up.

"Is there any reason why your inner office is covered in plants?"

"Yeah. When I hired my interior designer, I said I liked plants and gardening as a hobby. But they took it a little more..." Manual glanced up at the vines hanging from the inner ceiling of the stairwell, swinging down from the middle area. "... heavier than I originally thought."

"Is it all real?" Iida asked, looking down at the mixture of vines, it almost looked like the green vines were braided together. It reminded him of the overflowing mint vines that his mother was trying to grow in her own garden.

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