Your Hero

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Izuku texted his father while he ran behind Shoto, keeping a hand grasped onto his outer shirt so he wouldn't lose him in the outside crowd.

"Fuyumi, I'm going to the hospital. Huh? No, it's not for me. Uncle Tensei is in trouble." Shoto dodged around stalls, following the outer walls of the stadium away from the shopping stalls. So I won't be able to meet up with you three until later. I'll be back tonight so we can have that special dinner. No, I won't be late," Shoto paused, smiling a bit at her words. "Yeah, I love you too. Bye for now."

Izuku followed after him while his phone screen lit up from a smile emoji text fro: his father. The medal around his neck thumped against his chest as they ran, "My dad says okay to the trip."

Touya was waiting for them right outside on the outskirts of the stadium away from the food stalls. He stood there with his helmet propped against his hip and his bike suited with the sidecar. When they approached, they saw two helmets waiting on the inside of the sidecar.

"Finally," Touya threw his arms over his head. "The winning ceremony went on for way longer than I remember."

"What's going on?" Shoto started to ask as they walked right up to the sidecar. Izuku dug his hands in to pick up the blue and green helmets inside. "What happened?"

"Something happened in Hosu. Tensei is in the hospital, so that's where we are going," Touya answered easily as he slid on his helmet. "Hop on after you get your helmets on."

"Which color do you want?" Izuku asked, raising the blue and green helmet in his hands. He raised one helmet in the air higher than the other and did the exact same thing to the other colored helmet.

"I'll take the blue one," Shoto mumbled as he picked up the helmet from Izuku's grasp, sliding it over his head while Izuku struggled with his.

Since Shoto put on his helmet first, he claimed the choice to sit behind his brother leaving Izuku to ride in the sidecar.

It was a long ride to the hospital, but Touya made sure it took only half the time by breaking a few traffic laws. It wasn't too long before the motorcycle screeched as he drove right into a parking spot.

All three of them took off their helmets before running to the doors of the hospital, bursting into the lobby. Time flew by as Touya walked up to the desk and entered them as visitors to see Tensei as family and friends. Touya grabbed their hands and took off down the hallway directly to Tensei's room

"Ten-chan," Izuku breathed out as the doors opened in front of him and Shoto. Tenya's mother stepped away to reveal the sight behind her.

Their childhood friend crashed into trees at full speed when he didn't know how to control his quirk enough to stop. The person who was strict in most rules unless they broke them together. The person who argued about wanting to become just like his older brother was now crying his eyes out at the injured man in the hospital sheets.

His uncle was laying down underneath a thin, white hospital bed sheet while there was machines all around him. But the most noticeable thing was the sound coming from the heartbeat machine and the fact that his eyes were open.

"Uncle Tensei," Izuku's voice broke at the end, tears gathering in his eyes at the sight. And Shoto wasn't too far behind.

The older brother figure apart from Touya and Natsuo in his life was bandaged up heavily with the thickest bandages around his arms and chest. His dark blue hair was shaved down to a point where he didn't even recognize if it was him. But those sharp blue eyes were a dead giveaway.

"Hey," Tensei's voice sounded rough like his tongue was dried out. "You guys came."

Izuku nodded softly, "Of course we did, Uncle Tensei."

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