Where is he?!

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It was family day today! Everyone's family was able to come to UA to spend some time with their child at the school campus. And it was even more exciting for the 3rd years that were graduating soon. It was only a short time before the 3rd years would start their own careers including the four honorary aunt and uncles of the principal's son.

Hizashi's parents were chatting with Nemuri's parents while Tensei's family were off to the side with Tenya. Unfortunately, Aizawa's parents couldn't really make it because of their work, but his mother informed him to take lots of pictures for her.

Hizashi was busy with Tensei as they were checking up on Tenya who was excited to show Izuku his new puzzle book. Nemuri was pulled into a conversation with her parents to talk more about her social life to make sure no one was bringing her down. They approved of her friends, but her father was protective over her and didn't want anyone to hurt his little girl.

Aizawa was hanging out in the principal's office, watching as Izuku crawled around fast on the floor. He watched as Izuku stood up after picking up one of his toys before running to him to show it off.

"Ah, it has been a while since I've seen Mr. Sloth," Aizawa commented, ruffling Izuku's hair. Izuku laughed, showing off the little teeth inside his mouth.

He smiled as he thought back to the video Nemuri had sent them with Izuku's first steps. Hizashi is still bitter that he wasn't there to see it. But it was a happy memory nonetheless that they were all going to remember fondly especially since Nedzu had it all recorded from the security cameras in his office as well as Nemuri's video. He thinks she even took some pictures. Since then Izuku has been walking a little better each day. He wonders if Izuku will just disappear from sight if he takes his eyes off of him.

It felt like just yesterday he was saying his first words and now he is walking around. Ah, Aizawa was getting all sentimental. He looked down at the sloth toy as the office seems to grow quiet around him.

The office door opened slightly to reveal his three friends without their parents. Nemuri greeted, "Our parents all met each other and are chatting up a storm right now outside the cafeteria. How's it hanging with little Izuku?"

"Everything is good for once. He has been playing with his toys since I got here," Aizawa explained looking at his friends.

"Well, where is he?" Tensei asked receiving a confused look from Aizawa.

"What do you mean? He's right there," Aizawa said as he pointed to where he last saw Izuku. But his finger showed nothing but empty space and a forgotten toy lying on the ground.

"WHERE DID HE GO?" Hizashi called out loudly in confusion. The friends hurriedly looked around the office to see no sign of the green haired boy, not behind the desk, not next to his toys, not next to the wide open door—

"SON OF A.. HONEYBUN!" Aizawa yelled in frustration at seeing where Izuku might have gone. "Why did you leave the door open?"

"I thought I did!" Nemuri replied, "I didn't close it all the way, but I didn't leave it wide open like that."

"Oh dear, this is bad," Tensei said after he walked up to the empty doorway. "I don't see him in the hallway. Where did he walk off to?"

"Okay, Hizashi, go find where Nedzu is and see if Izuku is just trying to find him. Distract him if necessary. I'm going to head down the rooms of this hallway and stay in this area, so if he comes back I'll be here. Nemuri, you go walk around downstairs and see if you can find him anywhere. Tensei, head down to the parents and see if he shows up anywhere." Aizawa broke it down. The friends nodded in agreement before taking their job positions.

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