Izuku makes a new friend, Endeavor makes his worst enemy

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Nedzu enjoyed letting Izuku life a normal life.

He went to a normal school because Nedzu wanted him to live as normal as he could with a Pro Hero as his secret father. Hopefully, he finds some friends that will be there for him in thelong run.

When he grew older, Nedzu hoped that Izuku will
live his life as freely as he can because Nedzu wanted him to be uncontrolled. Maybe with a little bit of instruction and advice, but never with an abusive hand pushing him into things.

Izuku was three years old now and Nedzu was feeling that the time was passing too quickly. It felt like a week ago that Izuku turned one.

Nedzu sipped his Mint tea with his little mint flavored cookies as he watched Izuku interact with Tenya during the school day at UA.

Tenya was allowed to have a play date with his friend while their big brother was busy with his new hero work. Yes, all his honorary uncles and aunt were now working as pro heroes. Under the names, Midnight, Ingenium, Present Mic and Eraserhead, they patrol the streets and protect the innocent from danger. Nedzu couldn't be more proud at what they have become.

Although he does remember that they graduated with a heavy heart by having to say goodbye to their honorary nephew. They missed getting to see him every day, but they do visit when they don't have any patrol clogging up their schedule. aizawa visited the most during the day since he works as an undergound hero during the night.

Anyway, enough of talking about the past because Endeavor was visiting with Nedzu to talk about when he might be able to enroll his children in UA. Nedzu allowed him to bring his youngest child, Shouto, so that Izuku might have another friend to lay with while his father talked to another father. He hoped that Endeavor had fixed his whole problem with All Might and was actually behaving like a good father to his children.

But his hope will be quickly diminished very soon


Tenya and Izuku were coloring in their coloring books when a child of split white and red hair walked in shyly.

"Behave." A harsh voice said from the deck of the door before shutting it loudly.

The young boy flinched before continuing to a place a few feet away from the two.

Izuku tilted his head and looked at Tenya. "I think he is shy."

"It looks like he is," Tenya replied. "What do we do?"

"I'm going to invite him over to play with us." Izuku said to his friend before they both nodded at each other.

The new boy looked over when Izuku walked to him, "What do you want?"

"I want to be friends." Izuku responded with his hand held out. "I'm Izuku."

"Why do you want to be friends?" Shouto asked quietly.

Izuku looked at him. "Because you look lonely, and I don't want you to be."

"We have a wide selection of toys to play with!" Tenya yelled out from his spot behind Izuku.

"Um..." Shouto mumbled.

"What's your favorite hero? Mine is Nedzu!" Izuku asked the young boy.

"I like my brother, Ingenium, the best." Tenya said from behind Izuku, looking at Shouto.

"I like All Might, but my dad doesn't like him very much." Shouto answered with a slight pink tinge to his cheeks.

"All Might is a good hero. He works well with his enhanced abilities to rescue people and defeats villains easily." Izuku replied intelligently with his hand under his chin. Tenya nodded at his words while Shouto looked at them curiously.

"We can play a game of heroes. I'll be Nedzu, Tenya can be Ingenium, and you can be All Might." Izuku offered.

"I don't have to be Endeavor?" Shouto asked, raising his brow.


Shouto was beginning to like this place.


Nedzu was tired of Endeavor. He hasn't changed his mind about his little petty rivalry at all in these past years.

He walked with him back to the room where the children were playing. Nedzu opened the door to see his child getting along well with the other two. They all seemed to be playing with some action figures of recent pro heroes. His heart grew at the sight of his son playing with a little cloth doll that he made himself a few months ago since Nedzu didn't make any merchandise. Tenya was playing his brother and Shouto was playing with a tall All Might figureine.

"SHOUTO!" Endeavor called out to his son, scaring the three children inside the room. Nedzu fur bristled at his son's frightened face.

"Endeavor, I highly recommend you lower your voice. Now." Nedzu offered to the tall alumni.

Endeavor scoffed while his son scurried to his side, rather silent. Nedzu noticed how Shouto hid his left arm from his sight as he rushed past to gate behind his father. Nedzu narrowed his gaze to see that Shouto scratches at his covered arm.

Before he could ask if the boy wanted to go to the nurse's office, Endeavor started dragging him away by his left arm. Shouto winced at his string grip while he practically dragged him away from the room.

Nedzu crosses his arms with a sinister smile on his face, looking at Endeavor exiting. He turned back to Izuku to ask some questions.

"Did you notice anything strange, son?" Nedzu approached his son.

Izuku tapped his finger to his chin, remembering the play date. "He didn't really believe us when we told him we wanted to play with him and be friend. He told us his dad didn't like All Might..."

"Strange. Anything else?" Nedzu asked.

"He reacted scared if we yelled too loud. He, uh, kind of scratched at his left arm every now and then. Tenya added from his place next to Izuku's side.

"Hmmm." Nedzu hummed to himself before nodding to himself. "You two continue your fun."

"Where are you going, dad?" Izuku questioned his father as he opened the door.

"I'm going to call up an old friend who helped me before. I need his help for a big case I'm about to be headmaster of. And if my hunch is correct, the person in question will face a punishment worse than death." Nedzu answered with a creepy smile.

"Oh. Okay. Love you!" Izuku commented before continuing to pick up and play with his homemade cloth doll.

"I love you too, little mouse." Nedzu commented before closing the door.


"Detective! Nice to see you again! Ready to bring down a prob hero with me! Haha, want some tea?" Nedzu greeted Naomasa, overjoyed at the possibility of getting Endeavor right where he wanted him.

"Oh boy." Naomasa sighed before taking his seat across from Nedzu sitting at a his desk.

"Now, then," Nedzu gathered himself before smiling happily at the man. "What is our first step to get rid of this piece of shit?"

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