Endeavor is Going Down

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Nedzu was tired of clenching his teeth.

Tsukauchi needed time to gather evidence on his end, so he recommended that Nedzu do his own recon on getting information to use against Endeavor. And what better way to do that then scheduling a play date at Endeavor's house while he goes to work. This gives him the perfect chance to see how the house is and what the family behaves like.

So while Tsukauchi was skidding around his office finding anything under a rock, Nedzu was waiting patiently outside for Mrs. Todoroki to answer the door. Finally, she opened the door with a nervous smile.

"Hello, I have come to let Izuku have a playdate with Shoto. I'm Nedzu, Principal of UA," he greeted holding out his paw, which Rei shook with practiced ease.

"Oh, yes! Hello, I'm Shoto's mother. You can call me Rei, I prefer it," Rei replied. Nedzu noticed how she didn't say how she was his wife, she just said that she was a mother. He placed that thought in possible evidence against Endeavor.

He walked in and automatically noticed how different it was from his home. It was traditional, yes and his was more Oder, but there was a feeling to it. This house didn't feel like home, it just felt empty. Like there was no warmth only coldness. Another piece of evidence logged away in his memory.

"Come this way to the living room. Shoto is waiting there," Rei said leading the way, Neszu followed her noticing small things along the journey. There was no family portraits or pictures in general of the family members. He narrowed his eyes as he noticed how Shoto sat alone on the couch when they entered. That was strange, where was Endeavor's other children?

Nedzu let Izuku go so he could run up to his newest friend to play. Rei smiled softly at Shoto's happy face.

"Would you mind if I looked around the house? I never get invited to many house parties." Nedzu asked with a smile. Rei nodded.

Nedzu smiled bigger and gently responded, "Great." He went off, leaving his son in the care of the gentle mother. Nedzu's smile dropped as he ventured around the house. The traditional Japanese houses were always confusing to him.

But before long, he found a giant room. A feeling settled in his stomach that didn't feel good. No, not good at all.

He opened the screen door and held in utter horror he felt. It was like a flashback to when he was trapped, that was the feeling of 'no escape' that he got from the room, he noticed how there was dried blood stains on the floor. He stepped inside quietly to see the many training equipment up on the walls, he didn't get a good feeling about this.

"Who are you?" A male voice said from behind him. He turned around the see bright red hair and electric blue eyes in the form of a preteen boy.

"Am I a bear or a mouse? Hello, I'm Nedzu," he greeted to the boy.

The boy scrunched his eyebrows, "Oh, the principal of UA? What are you doing here?"

"My son is having a playdate with your younger brother, Shoto." Nedzu replied, approaching the preteen, eager to get out of this room.

The boy stepped back in mild fear, "You aren't going to train me, right?" He asked with a tone to his voice that Nedzu recognized as fear.

"No. I'm not. Does you father train you?" Nedzu questioned.

Electric blue eyes looked over the animal with a quirk in silence. He deducted that this might be his only chance. He narrowed his eyes before stating to Nedzu, "No, training isn't the right word for what he does to me or my family."


Rei was sitting on the couch watching her son play with his new friend. Shoto would turn four in two months and she dreaded it so soon. She didn't want to be another maker to Endeavors master plan, but she didn't want her son to be treated the way Endeavor would if he turns out to have the perfect combination he is looking for. She was so scared for her children. She doesn't want this to happen anymore.

From the corner of her eyes, she noticed her second youngest, Natsuo. "Hello, Natsuo. What are you doing?"

"Just watching, mama. Does Shoto have a friend?" Natsuo asked.

Rei smiled, "Yes, just a few days ago."

Just then, Nedzu came around the corner with her eldest, Touya. He motioned for her to come to him. Rei raised a brow, very curious to see what Nedzu could want. She excused herself to Natsuo, leaving him to watch over the two younger kids.

"Yes?" She asked looking between her son and Nedzu

Nedzu raised his somber looking eyes, "Tell me everything. I want to help you and your family get away from him.

Rei gasped as tears started to fall silently. She could finally have help! She nodded before leading the two away to tell her story.

While the other two children watched over the youngest play with his new friend. Natsuo and Fuyumi smiled at their brother while wondering what her mother was talking about so fervently with the principal.

After an hour, the three exited the room with matching looks of calmness.

"Alright, Izuku, time to head home. We will see your friend and his family again very soon." Nedzu said to his young son. Izuku looked up and nodded happily at his dad.

"Okay, Dad! Bye, Sho-Chan! I'll see you later," Izuku retorted to his friend while walking away, waving at him. Shoto waved back with a relaxed smile at his very excited friend.

Nedzu nodded to Rei and Touya before heading outside. He had a lot to tell to Tsukauchi.

'Alright, Endeavor. Let's play a game,' Nedzu thought to himself with a sadistic smile growing on his face while he made his way to the police station.

When he entered, Izuku took in a gasp at the sight of four familiar faces

"Uncle Zawa?! Uncle Ten? Uncle Zashi! Aunt Nem!" Izuku greeted loudly at the sight of his four favorite aunt and uncles. Eraserhead hid his gentle smile under his scarf while Present Mic yelled openly in excitement. Ingenium smiled under his knight mask while Midnight gladly welcomed him with a big greeting.

Midnight welcomed, "Hey, Izuku! How have you been little guy? You are growing so tall!" Izuku ran up to her for Midnight to wrap him up in a hug.

"Hey hey, where my hug?!" Present Mic complained loudly, only to receive a loving hug from Izuku by a Midnight passing him to the loud blonde.

Ingenium received his nice big hug from Present Mic passing him the small child. "Hello, buddy. Haven't seen you in a while!" Eraserhead took the child from his other uncle with his gray scarf.

"Hey, problem child," Eraserhead greeted softly, ruffling up Izuku's curls.

"I'm heading to Tsukauchi's office to talk about a new case involving Endeavor," Nedzu replied to his old students.

"Endeavor? Man, I don't really like that guy. He's all full of himself." Present Mic responded.

"All full of himself, really? Honestly, best way to describe him is very angry at seemingly nothing and everything at the same time." Ingenium retorted.

"Why are you doing a case on him, Nedzu?" Midnight asked quietly while Eraserhead distracted Izuku with his dancing scarf.

"It's not safe to talk about it here, but let it be known that Endeavor will be taken down for what he has been doing."

"Do you need our help with anything, sir?" Ingenium asked politely.

"Well, Izuku doesn't really know what the whole thing will come to eventually. I would like you four to take care of him while I bring him down, can you do that?" Nedzu questioned with a calm smile directed toward the smiling Izuku.

"Babysit the title guy, like we used to do. Sure! No problems!" Present Mic answered happily, ready to spoil his nephew.

"Good. I'll go talk to Tsukauchi, I'll leave Izuku in your hands for this short period." Nedzu said. The four nodded at the easy order, ignoring the sadistic smile that Nedzu was gaining thinking about what he could do to Endeavor

Tsukauchi was in his office gathering details from his sources about Endeavor dealing with illegal practice of quirk marriage when Nedzu strolled in looking happy to rip some limbs of a certain someone.

"He is going down. Tonight." Nedzu stated in front of Tsukauchi's desk.

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