Little Mouse is Accepted!

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It was taking too long for the acceptance letters to mail out. And Izuku was getting a tiny bit impatient and a little more worried.

It had been two weeks since the entrance exam. It has been two weeks since then that Izuku had analyzed student's quirks to allow a deeper look into what the potential students could do.

Two weeks. And there was no sign of any letter despite the multiple times each day that Izuku visited their mailbox. There was no sign at school either. None of the teachers commented on whether he got in or not. Each time he would try to get a hint, one of them would distract him. Power Loader had the most success in keeping Izuku away from questioning anything when he told him about my new developing project he was working on.

If it wasn't Uncle Loader, it was one of his uncles or aunts that he adopted into his life. Basically all the staff was like family or friends to him. Hound Dog interested him in most things because he was the counselor. Izuku would find himself buried in the books that Hound Dog would allow him to borrow.

It was remarkable reading how the human mind worked and how exactly he can use it his advantage. It didn't take much for his father to agree to help him with his manipulating techniques. In fact, Nedzu was more than happy to help his own son be able to use any skill available to him even if it was as simple as the 'innocent damsel in distress' manipulation technique.

Izuku thought to himself, 'His papa would tell him that he didn't make it early enough for him to try to apply for enough school, right? Did he actually make it in? Is this what his sadism looks like? Watching his own son watch the mailbox like a hawk each and every day for any sign of a letter? Oh, this must be hilarious to watch.'

Nedzu watched from the couch with his evening cup of tea while Izuku made a peculiar face at a piece of sushi. He rose a brow while he kept a neutral smile on his face, "Izuku, is something wrong with your dinner?"

"Huh? No, nothing like that. I'm just thinking about a lot of things." Izuku stated before eating the maki roll that was being held up by his chopsticks.

"Ah, is this school-related? Are you worried about the letter coming in?"

"How did you guess?" Izuku laughed, "Was it the number of times I visited the mailbox? Or was I mumbling my thoughts again?"

"A bit of both. I know that you would be a bit worried about your letter coming in. Who wouldn't? And especially into the hero class no less!" Nedzu replied.

"Yeah, of course. I just have to wait a bit more patiently for the letter to come in," Izuku said before returning to his maki rolls in front of him. He paused before looking up at his papa's familiar neutral smile that didn't reveal anything. "But surely you must know when exactly the letter is mailed out."

Nedzu asked, "Why do you believe that?"

Izuku blinked at his dad, aware that he must be pulling a Gran Torino on him to brighten his mood. He only really did it in private with just them together. He laughed when he answered back, "Because you are the principal...The principal of UA."

"Principal of a hero school? Oh dear, that sounds stressful."

"Papa, you run the school." Izuku started to laugh at his father's faux clueless expression.

Nedzu tilted his head, "Do I?"

"Papa!" Izuku chuckled.

Nedzu hummed, "Hmm, are you sure I'm not the principal of some Hope academy?"

"Dad, do not make Monokuma jokes right now."

"Oh look at that," Nedzu commented, poking the fish in front of him. "A body has been discovered."

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