Dabi has Fangirls. Shoto has patrol.

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After Endeavor had been arrested, the Endeavor agency workers left behind didn't know what to do with themselves until they were rushing to find a new job before the news would affect their resume

So within that month years ago, the sidekicks and workers found work somewhere else in Japan or overseas. Some sidekicks went to find work as a pro or working under another pro hero for many years. While the business side found jobs quiet easily within the first two weeks.

The Endeavor agency building stood empty after all the workers had left. And the empty building stood still for a long time afterwards. Yet some heroes tried to make use of the empty place.

Heroes would come and go. They would try to make the building their own, yet bad luck seemed to haunt the building. The heroes would move their agency somewhere else within half a year.

That was until Dabi came onto the scene.

He made a name for himself just three years prior at the UA sports festival when his blue flames swirled into an inferno, showcasing just exactly what he was capable of. And he only gained more attention with his outside work with other heroes during his internship and work studies when he stole attention with his breathtaking maneuvers.

A vision of black and blue was anything that people talked about when he debuted right after graduation.

A week after his debut, a mysterious fire had broken out in the old abandoned agency building Endeavor had left behind. Shortly after, Dabi's agency rose up from the ashes of the old building with strong sidekicks and skilled workers.

The new building stood out from the street with its bold colors that weren't the same dull gray as the rest. The darker tones of the brick building contrasted well with the signature blue color of Dabi's flame. The press went crazy over the new building. One was even desperate enough to dig into the past, trying to feed into a story about a son following in father's footsteps until Dabi put his foot down on that specific reporter.

Instead of answering questions concerning his family in any way, Dabi would respond by giving attention to a charity that helped research into people with quirks that didn't quite fit their body.

It was made clear that day when a camera was fused into the fire hydrant outside the agency building that Dabi wasn't keen on making a connection to his birth father. Any reporter who tried was either swiftly ignored or their property was damaged. There was also a rumor about a hacker forcing one reporter to move because their articles were continuously messed with after release.

Each rumor started snuffed out before it could even burn. No scandal could last. And any controversy was immediately ended by Dabi's blunt words. The only mild controversy is whether his merchandise would be appropriate for the children because of his more grungy appearance that parents didn't want to cater to.

He was considered rude by older citizens and heroes who didn't understand his harshness. Yet he was beloved by other young adults and teenagers. His darker costume colors along with his attitude was an instant favorite by many who felt a connection towards his personality.

But his biggest audience was with his female audience who appreciated him in a different way. His name was among one of the top ones searched in fanfiction sites throughout Japan.

No matter how many people saw him as the pro hero, Shoto would never understand how people thought his brother was mysterious.

Especially when he walked into his brother's office to find his brother laying back in his desk chair with his feet laying on his table.

When he first walked up to the agency, Shoto found a sidekick blasting music outside while spraying paint from their hands onto the brick walls. Walking into the agency was another experience with a diverse set of sidekicks talking with another while others rushed out the doors.

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