USJ Part 2

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Izuku stared down at the villains swimming in the water below the ship. All of them were waiting for them to move, not moving from the water to climb up the ship.

Izuku deduced. "They probably don't know any of our quirks."

Hagakure asked, "What?"

"It's obvious when you think about it," Izuku replied. "We were all warped at different places. But if they knew our quirks, they would have put Tsu-Chan in fire or ice instead of water since it's her natural place. That means that the villains are scared of what we have in store. They have no way of knowing what we could do to them."

Hagakure's gloves moved as she talked, "Yeah! They didn't even notice me when I was in the water."

"Good, I might have a plan to distract them. Hagakure-Chan can you distract them with me?" Izuku looked towards Hagakure direction.


Izuku smiled back at her, "Okay. Tsuyu, are you capable of jumping off the ship with both of us?"

"Kero. I am stronger than I look, Izu-Kun," Tsuyu responded.

"Alright. Tsuyu, you are the escape route. Hagakure and I will distract them. Using the prototypes that Mei made, we scare them into a giant circle. And then throw these sticky bombs at them to get them stuck all together in slime and sticky mixture to keep them from following after us."

The ship rocked chasing Hagakure to yelp. Izuku glanced down to see the villains attack the ship which is making the ship slowly sink into the water. "We might want to start that plan now," Hagakure suggested.

Izuku passed several bombs to Hagakure and explained which color did what. Tsuyu was situated in the middle of them, ready to escape as soon as the villains were stuck.

When he glanced down at the water, he started to go through his head of what method to use that will make the villains get captured easier. He slowly adopted a cold smile on his face when he concluded.

If the villains didn't know what to expect, why not give them a show?

Izuku strutted over to the ledge to look below him with a calculating smirk on his face. He casually swung his legs between the railings to stare down at the thugs below him. They all turned upwards to see what he would do next.

With a deep breath, Izuku started to chuckle. The thugs narrowed their eyes when they thought the hero student was making fun of them only for chills to run down their back when his chuckles had increased into manically cackling.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Izuku cackled, he tried to muffle his giggles. "I can't believe that any of you think that you can beat us. Pfft, all of the hero class?!"

Hagakure took off her gloves just to throw the explosives towards the left side of the crowd of thugs in the water. When it exploded, the thugs started to gather near the middle. Hagakure swiftly moved over to the other side of the boat to throw another explosive while Izuku distracted them by continuing to giggle like a crazed toddler.

"You honestly think you can lay a finger on us? That's wishful thinking," Izuku stated with a grin on his face. He wrapped his scarf weapon around the ledge just to hang upside down from the railing. "Now what to do with all of you... A bunch of lowlife thugs who decided to beat up high schoolers. Hmmm..."

When the thugs gathered near the middle, Tsuyu used her tongue to throw two more explosives towards the back of the crowd of thugs to force them even closer. Izuku slowly stopped his cackling to stare hard down at the soaking wet thugs below him.

Hagakure and Tsuyu stepped up to the railing. Hagakure had put her gloves back on to show off three prototype bombs in her grip. Tsuyu had several wrapped in her tongue. Izuku smiled at all of them, waving by twiddling his fingers at them right as the girls threw all of the bombs at them.

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