Flashbacks and Cookies

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"I can't believe we are going to UA soon," Izuku almost bounced in excitement as he talked to his friends. "It's almost a week away! Are you guys excited for it? I know I am."

The three childhood friends were all sitting in Shoto's room with a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies that his sister made. She was still practicing a bit because she wanted to surprise her students to reward their good behavior.

"Of course I am! I'm very delighted to be with both of my friends even if we might be in separate classes," Tenya replied, breaking a chunk out of his cookie to eat it more cleanly.

Shoto looked up with his cookie sticking out of his mouth, "Hmm, I don't think we will be separated from each other. I feel like it would only be logical to have us together since we are already familiar with each other."

"And I guess we will be the two recommended students in the class?" Izuku asked. "Since Inasa is going to Shiketsu that means we have a good chance of being two of the four recommended students. By the way, Tenya, you still need to tell me what your next free day is so we can introduce you to Inasa.

"Yeah, you are both tall and loud. You have some similarities, so I feel like you two will get along," Shoto agreed with cookie crumbs in his mouth before realizing what exactly Izuku was getting at. He swallowed what was in his mouth to turn his head to Izuku, "Oh, right. I forgot to tell you guys."

Tenya looked up worried, "What is it? Is it anything bad?"

"Do I need to find an alibi?" Izuku questioned, looking ready for anything that Shoto would tell them.

"Nothing that big. I contacted UA to let them know if I got enough points in the entrance exam to just count that as my acceptance. I only took both exams as more of a wider net to throw. Plus, I want to show Touya that I made it into UA by myself," Shoto explained. "And it might be a plus because Yaoyozoru will make it in. She is very talented and deserves to have a spot in the hero course."

Izuku pursed his lips in thought, "Why didn't you just reject his recommendation? Wouldn't that be an easier way to show that you could make it in?"

"Well, he is my brother. I would feel bad. But I made it in both ways, and Uncle—I mean Principal Nedzu helped me out. I have to get used to saying that now that he is going to be our official principal," Shoto replied having his hand moving toward the most burned cookie on the plate before turning it Iida, "How about you, Tenya? What are you thinking about?"

Tenya straightened up, "Well, I'm was happy when I received my acceptance letter as well. Although I wish I could have done more. I felt like I hesitated during the exam when another participant was in trouble since the zero pointer was involved."

"Ah, the robot that the purple kid took care of right? I heard some strangers talking about it," Shoto clarified, midway through a warm chocolate chip cookie.

Iida nodded, "Yes! If I could do it over, I would have thought about what my brother and Izuku would do I hesitated at first, but I went to help because I started to think about what my brother and Izuku would do."

"Wait, why me?" Izuku questioned while Iida raised one of my eyebrows back at him. Izuku paused with his half-eaten cookie in his hands.

"Gee, I wonder," Shoto remarked sarcastically. Shoto then looked back at Tenya with cookie crumbles decorating his mouth, "What about me?"

Tenya sighed before instinctively wiping the crumbs away from his mouth with his sleeve. "Oh, pardon me. You had crumbs on your face."

"Yeah, whatever. Why wasn't I on that list? Am I not a good influence on you?"

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