First Words

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Nedzu was experiencing parental excitement.

Izuku has been babbling more often lately when he is playing around him. He expects soon that Izuku will say his first words. He watched him play on ten floors of his office on a fluffy rug. Izuku was dressed in his new favorite onesie that was dinosaur themed. It had a beige purple coloring with dark cloth spikes going down his hood onto his back. He was playing with a yarn stitched octopus that was about the same height as him. They both had matching smiles as Izuku rolled on the floor, holding onto three of the tentacles.

Nedzu realized Izuku was getting older, and that thought excited and terrified him. Terrified him for many reasons, but excited him for a reason he believes will come soon. By his deductions, Izuku will say his first words soon! He was beyond happy! His face was held in a big smile when he walked into the building that morning. But he supposed it was an unusual sight since his faculty looked like they were about to call Recovery Girl.

'Screw them, I'm happy!' Nedzu thought as he watched his little mouse crawl around with a brightly colored octopus held in his hands.

He knows that it will come soon since a few days ago he had started to mumble and babble different sounds to him. He was going to wake him up that morning only to be greeted with a "Bah!" from a wide-awake Izuku in his crib. Safe to say, he startled to laugh in joy, even though his neighbors were fearing for their lives at the sound.

He checked to time on his clock. Oh! It was time for announcements for the hero classes to begin heading to the training site that was recently fixed. He gathered the Mic for the school intercom and pressed the button.


"I still can't believe it was that difficult for you guys to figure out what Izuku liked when he began teething?" Tensei asked after Hizashi explained what fully went on about a month ago again. "I mean, how?"

"I don't know dude! But we now know that Izuku is picky and Nedzu likes to watch us suffer." Nemuri said with her face against her desk while doing their classwork.

Aizawa elbowed Hizashi to gather the rest of the group's attention to the intercom coming online.

"Good afternoon, hero students of Class 1-A and 1-B, you may know to use Training Area Beta again since reconstruction is over. Now Class 1-C, General Education..."

The sound of shuffling paper and Nedzu's amused giggle came over the speaker before the sound of Izuku's babbling spread through the school, "Bah! Pa! Ne!"

Each school then remembered about the baby that Nedzu introduced them too not too long ago. Everyone awed at the cuteness of the sweet child's voice, even Yukimura, who was still quite traumatized over the punishment he received. The group of four smiled at the sounds of Izuku before Nedzu continued on with the news for each of the departments.

"And that is all for today," Nedzu finished. "Have a good afternoon." When he was about to turn it off, the whole school heard a quite cute sounding babble of, "Beh!"

The four slowly looked back at each other from the speaker that they were all staring at. "Let me guess, you all want to go see Izuku during lunch break?" Aizawa whispered to his friends.

The three nodded in unison. Aizawa didn't want to admit he was excited, but he was. They all knew he was just as excited as they were.


He had a feeling that Izuku would say his first words today. Izuku's has been babbling a lot since he turned off the intercom while he was playing with his toys. Nedzu had a smile on his face while doing his small amount of paperwork.

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