How Nice

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All Might smacked his lips together as he hunted through the alleyways and streets. He bounced on the balls of his feet as he strides forward, launching himself into the air to survey the land at a higher point of vigilance.

"Now if I were two wannabe heroes, where would I be?" All Might thought out loud, getting into his villain character. Ah, the theater. If only he didn't have to quit early because of the amount of training and care needed for him to perfect One for All.

And even though they had made quite a few adaptations of his hero work as All Might, he was saddened that he never got to extend his acting career other than the voice acting he did for the cartoons. He only accepted the role of voice acting when he saw the smiles on those children's faces after seeing the animation teaser they put out.

Ah. At least the voice acting was something despite his very limited lines that were mostly catchphrases.

"I AIN'T NO WANNABE, OLD MAN!" Young Bakugo yelled out followed by explosions. He glanced to see the young blonde teen being propelled forward like a firework rocket towards him.

Speaking of dramatics...

All Might grabbed the blonde projectile flying at him with ease, throwing him away from him. He aimed the teenager at the grass patch for a softer landing compared to the fake building around him. Despite being a fake city, the materials they used were quite strong and used a lot of real material like concrete and metal.

And the last thing he needed to do was get a hero student way more injured than they needed to be. Especially because of Nedzu's warning ringing through his head.

'Remember All Might that this is an exercise. No physical harm will be done to the students. And if I found out you went too far with my son, you will regret it.'

He shivered as he watched young Bakugo shake off the landing, glaring at him from the ground as he readied another explosion launch.

If young Bakugo was here, where was Izuku?

Suddenly, the streetlights flicked on the fake city street, drawing his attention to them. That's when Bakugo decided to try to fight him once again.

"Shouldn't heroes stick together? Who knows when a villain could grind a hero into dust before backup can arrive!" All Might laughed, gritting his teeth from the explosion searing into his side. He barely missed it but it still burned through the side of his costume, leaving the irritated skin to ache in the shockingly cold air.

Yep, that was a burn. But that didn't matter right now!

All Might grabbed onto Bakugo's boot and swung him around like a weight ball at the gym. He ignored the twisted shouts from the teen as well as the pitched squeak when he finally threw him through the air.

This was a good enough strategy for the fifteen minute time. Well, eleven minutes now if the time was correct on the digital clock above the exit gate.

Just then, All Might's ears perked up at the crackling sound of the speakers. He glanced to where the speakers lining the outer walls were.

"Hello, villain."

Ah, there's young Izuku! He was starting to wonder where he went. He couldn't find the boys and he certainly didn't see him making a break for the entrance.

Izuku's voice sounded warm despite the demeaning tone. "It seems like the villain doesn't know the trouble he is in. Do I have to remind you?"

All Might smiled. Izuku was really taking this exercise seriously!

At the sound of explosions, he turned to see Bakugo rocket off into the city, presumably to find Izuku. Hmm. That was a weird plan. Why would young Bakugo try to lead the villain into the city where his hero partner is waiting.

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