Confrontation and Dj Mouse

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Shinso opened and closed his fists as he continued to stare at the other teen, "Is it because you are the principal's kid and you want me on your side for some reason?"

Izuku's expression still looked confused as he stared at Shinso, "Why would you think that?"

"Look I have been through a lot to recognize that when a student is being too overly friendly or nice to me that it's not a good thing. I don't know what your plan is but I won't be your scapegoat or tester," Shinso ranted. "I've seen it before where I think someone is trying to be a friend to me only to find out they are just going to throw me under the bus or blame me for something they did."

"So you don't think I'm being genuine?"

"No? Yes?" Shinso shook his head before placing his hand on his forehead. "I'm conflicted since I don't really know how to read you. You seek me out in the classroom more than the other classmates we have. Then I get shot through the sky with little warning. And then I got invited into your team and we worked really well together. And I want to believe that it's all real this time. But I just can't."

"So I want to know now once and for all. Just don't lie to me and tell me honestly. Because I have been through situations like this before," Shinso replied, thinking back to the rough times in middle school before he got to UA. "Everything goes great until one moment where it all changes.

"Shinso," Izuku said, staring right into Shinso's eyes and not directing his gaze anywhere else. "I am being completely honest when I say that I want you to be my friend. If you need to confirm further, you can use your quirk on me like a lie detector to see if I am being truthful."

Shinso looked like he was considering it while Izuku continued to explain his side.

"I didn't have that many growing up except Sho-Chan and Ten-Chan," Izuku said, eyes trailing the hallway. He paused and looked at the corner like someone was waiting there before turning back to him. "And I was homeschooled so I didn't have that many people my age to interact with. So I wanted to make new friends with all of my classmates."

"But what about outside of school?"

"Well, I did make one friend my age who went to another hero school from the entrance exams. But other than that, no," Izuku shrugged, looking down at his hands. "Because when you find out just how many people are still against quirkless people even after so long, you stop hoping to make new friends that way."

Shinso's eyes widened, What?"

Izuku looked back up, "I'm quirkless."

"You, but—," Shinso blinked hard, like he was still comprehending what was going on. "How?"

"When I was born, I got an extra bone in my foot..."

Shinso waved him off, "No, not that. Just what. Why are you telling me this?"

"I am going to tell the class sooner or later. But when you were going off on discrimination, I just wanted to set the record straight that we are on a mostly level playing field," Izuku answered, moving the straw up and down absentmindedly. He gestured with his hand between the both of them. "You got bullied for having a villain quirk. And I got discriminated against for being quirkless."

"How many people know about you being quirkless?"

"No one else really knows besides my family, the staff, and my close friends," Izuku answered with a small sad smile. "And everyone in the school except the first years only knows that I am the principal's son. But most of them just assume I have an intelligence quirk because of my analysis. They don't even know me that well to know I am quirkless."

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