Lost Moments

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After Izuku had learned to walk, especially after the whole hide and seek fiasco that Nedzu saw on the cameras, he made sure to walk with his son down the halls for even more practice. And to keep him in his sights since Izuku had a knack for hiding very well. Nedzu could only grin at the stealthiness of the small child.

On the walks, Izuku would hold on tightly to his paw as his steps slightly bounced. Nedzu walked side by side with him as other teachers would pass by them from the faculty room to go to their classrooms.

They would pass by with a wave to Izuku which made him giggle and open and close his hands in the form of a wave.

"Come along, young mouse," Nedzu spoke up, making Izuku turn his head towards him. "I'll give you a little tour of the school."

"Baa ba," Izuku babbles were reduced into mumbles as he waddled with Nedzu. His voice screeched only like a child would, "Papa!"

"Yes, yes," Nedzu answered back to encourage more of his words. "I also ordered some new stories to read to you. Your choice between the adventure of a bug or the one about the frog prince taking over the country."

Izuku babbled back to him excitedly. Nedzu smiled back at him, "Ah, I'll read the frog prince first when they come in."

Just then, they walked past a classroom that seemed to be in the middle of a test. One student looked up just in time to see Nedzu walking by with Izuku. He blinked back at them while Izuku smiled and waved at his attention. The student waved back with one of his six hands before returning his attention back to the paper on his desk.

The little tour around the school became a routine for each day when Nedzu had nothing planned for half an hour. Sometimes he would end the walk by carrying Izuku back when the little one's feet got too tired.


Nedzu liked to take pristine care of his fur. He made sure to have a lot of combs to make sure his soft fur wasn't tangled up in knots. And he took great care of it so the keratin let his hair remain shiny. Nedzu made sure that each day his fur was maintained and polished.

He had no hairspray or gel because the feel of them makes his fur clump together or have a crunchy feel that he hates.

So that's why when Izuku had started to grow longer hair, he wanted to makes sure that his hair was taken care of. But the main difference between his fur and his son's hair was that his son had curly hair.

So when he tried to brush through it the first time, the brush got caught inside his curls. Izuku kept moving slightly while he watched the cartoons on television while Nedzu tried to get his hair under control for the day.

Somehow a comb and bobby-pins got lost inside his curls as Izuku just stared at the screen.

'Damn Midoriya Hisashi and his hair genetics,' Nedzu cursed towards Izuku's biological donor in his head while he tried to dislodge the comb inside his curls.

After a few times of failing to maintain his curls, Nedzu started to research on how to take care of curly hair types since his own experience would not cover it.

And now, Nedzu made sure that Izuku's hair was always in pristine curls.


"Papa, when will I get ears like yours?"

It was shortly before Izuku's fourth birthday when he started to question when he will start to look more like him than ever.

There were a few times like these when Izuku would be staring into the mirror with a concentrated face or patting his face like he was trying to find if fur was growing.

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