Where the Heck is the Teething Toy?

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Nedzu was to attend a meeting with all the principals of the hero school in Japan in less than a day.

Normally, he would just go to the meeting normally, but since he had his new baby to take care of all his normal plans and schedules has gone out the window to care for his little mouse. Which is more fitting because he dressed Izuku in a white mouse onesie today with pink socks. He loved the fact he could dress up his son in any onesie he wanted to. Next time, maybe a small tuxedo so they can have matching formal wear.

Nedzu kindly embraced the crawling stage by giving him that onesie. And now after some time, Izuku had let up on his crawling adventures to just crawl over to his toys now.

The issue lies in the fact that Izuku has started teething recently. When he says recently, he means that morning, which means that he has to be gone for a few days when Izuku's teething stage has just begun.

Which means he will have to get a nanny or four for a few days until he comes back. He is sure he can bent the rules a little bit, as long as the four nannies can do their schoolwork while they are away from school. Nedzu needs to remind himself to buy some futons, so they don't sleep on the floor again.

Izuku babbled from his floor crib with a cold teething toy in his mouth.
Nedzu smiled down at him, "Hello little mouse, papas going to have to go away soon, but don't worry your nannies will take good care of you. Since I'm in charge of whether they get expelled or not." Izuku laughed.

"Yes, yes. Now time to make a list for them to follow to heart this time, and a grocery list to make sure they don't raid my special snacks."


"I can't believe Nedzu is letting us off a school for a few days just to take care of Izuku!" Hizashi yelled at his friends, pumped at the chance. Small bag of clothes and schoolwork adorning arms as well as his classmate's.

"Seriously? Don't you remember the last time? You know, when we lost Izuku?" Aizawa asked deadpanned as he walked with his friends to Nedzu's room.

"Lighten up! We found him at the end anyway, didn't we? What's the worst that could happen now?" Nemuri said as she bumped her arm against Aizawa.

"Anything worst can happen now." Aizawa said to Nemuri.

The three nannies walked to the room with conflicting thoughts in their head. Tensei couldn't make it since he had to take care of Tenya, but he promised to help them with homework and any baby tips. As long as they sent him cute Izuku picture with Nedzu's permission. The trio's parents agreed to the 3 day weekend babysitting sleepover since they knew it would teach them responsibility for taking care of a baby and especially since they were still going to do their homework.

Nedzu came through the door when they were a few feet from it. His face less tired, but more sad. He held Izuku close, "See you soon, my little mouse. I'll be back before you know it." Izuku babbled in his little mouse onesie. Nedzu handed Izuku to Aizawa carefully. "Everything you need should be in there. I have twenty dollars a day for your food budget anything else will be out of your pocket. There is the updated list on the fridge. I went ahead a purchased some food, just in case."

Nedzu waved goodbye to his students, "Just so three know, he is on his teething stage, so have fun!" He ended with a more sadistic smile.

Aizawa thought as Nedzu walked off, 'Son of butternut squash, not again.'


Everything was going smoothly...

Was what a crazy person would say.

After Nedzu had left, Aizawa and Hizashi read the list of things to do out loud as Nemuri kept Izuku in her arms in the living room. They skimmed what was the normal routine before heading to the bottom.

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