Nedzu Tries to Teach Izuku How to Drive

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Nedzu didn't know how he got into the passenger seat of his car with his adopted human son behind the wheel.

It started with Izuku wondering if heroes would have their driver or would have to drive themselves to work. Some heroes have quirks that allow them to bypass vehicles altogether like the new hero Hawks because he can just fly everywhere.

It dived into a discussion of which heroes would use their quirk to get to work and who would be the one disguised on the train. There was a high probability that a lot of heroes would just disguise themselves in their civilian clothing and take the bus or train to get to where they need to go. Although some heroes were very recognizable even without their costumes that probably had to drive to their agency to avoid the paparazzi.

And somehow, their talk led to Izuku asking if he could learn how to drive. And Nedzu, being the helpful father that he is, offered to teach him the basics right away. Which led them both of them to where they are now... inside Nedzu's car on an empty training ground in an attempt to teach Izuku how to drive a car.

It led to this moment with Izuku and Nedzu facing down the street of the training ground used for the entrance exam. His car was the safest option because of all the airbags installed. And he can always get a new one of anything bad happens because of his pro hero salary.

"Okay," Nedzu said, shifting to face his son calmly. "Just take it slow. There's no one here that you can hurt."

Izuku nodded stiffly, letting go of the brake so the vehicle can inch forward slowly. Then he slowly put his foot over the gas pedal and pushed.

The car immediately jerked forward before Izuku pushed the brake with his foot. Nedzu bounced in his seat as Izuku slouched down in the driver's spot. Nedzu repositioned himself and held onto the passenger door, "Alright, this time, slowly put your feet onto the gas pedal. Just press down gently until you find a comfortable speed."

Thankfully, Izuku followed that order correctly. The car drove across the street in front of them, the gravel underneath the tires was the only sound that Nedzu was focusing on. "Okay, try to turn here. Slow down your speed a bit and turn the wheel."

When Izuku followed that order, Nedzu ended up bouncing up from his seat from the impact of Izuku accidentally popping up onto the curb. Izuku apologized, but he learned because he took the next turn safely.

"Now this particular road goes on for quite a while, so I want to see you speed up to maybe 33 km give or take," Nedzu explained. He pointed his paw down the entire street for Izuku to see the entire length of it to where it ended at a building. "Just stop before you get to the building and you will be fine. Take your time."

Izuku drove down the street at 30 km before slowing down almost halfway there and coming to a complete stop right in front of the building. And their time continued like that.

Nothing bad started to happen until Izuku became a bit too confident in his abilities while speeding up. That's when it happened. Izuku was driving at 35 km when the car sideswiped something that Izuku hadn't noticed. Upon realizing that the car hit something before the loud sound it made, he stopped the car. Izuku's eyes were widened before looking over at Nedzu who was also surprised. They both craned their necks out of the window to see what they had bumped into.

"Oh, look it's a civilian robot. Hmm. Power Loader must have missed it when I asked him to take away any bots for us to do this," Nedzu said looking past the bot only to find their head was separated from them just a few feet away.

Izuku frowned at the wreckage. He put his hands over his mouth to yell at the damaged bot, "I'm so sorry!!"

Nedzu hummed, "It's fine. It's only one bot. It's not like you will do it again."


Nedzu cleared his throat, "Well, that was an experience, wasn't it?"

"I killed like five civilian robots," Izuku pouted as he clung to his old stuffed octopus' arm.

"Six robots. You ran over a little squirrel camera robot," Nedzu smiled as he corrected his son on how many electronics he destroyed. "Just so you know, they weren't worth any points just in case you were aiming for them."

Izuku groaned, leaning down into his bed to muffle the groans into the pillow under him. "I wasn't," Izuku mumbled his answer back.

"Well, if you did, it was a good job with the aim," Nedzu calmly said, ignoring the way that Izuku groaned louder into his pillow.

Izuku jerked his head back from the pillow. He shook his head and announced, "Moving on! Next topic!"

"Okay. Well, I understand you are getting older."

"Yeah," Izuku answered back.

Nedzu paused before growing a smile, "Do you need the talk?"

Izuku's eyes widened, flopping back onto the pillows below him. "BACK TO THE PILLOW!"

"When two people love each other very much..."

Izuku blocked his ears with pillows around him. His muffled protests went unheard before he popped his head up from the pillow. "Papa! I don't need the talk! I'm fine. I don't want to hear about the sex talk from you."

"Oh?" Nedzu smiled, holding back his sadistic laughter at seeing Izuku's expressions. "Would you rather I call someone else to educate you? Midnight is very well educated on this topic."


"Alright. I won't tease you anymore. What do you want to talk about? Do you want to talk about school? It is starting very soon. Are you excited? Nervous?" Nedzu asked.

Izuku sighed, "I am not exactly nervous about it because I know I have support if I fall behind. But I guess it's just because I'm scared."

"Scared? Scared of what?"

"Papa, you have been homeschooling me all of my life," Izuku explained, "I haven't had any real classmates before. The only friends I have that are my age are Tenya and Shoto. What if I mess up with my peers? What happens if they hate me?"

Nedzu shook his head calmly, "They won't hate you, Izuku. You charm almost everyone you meet if your extended pro hero family isn't enough proof for you. If you mess up, you can always right your wrongs. I don't think you will have trouble fitting into the classroom setting. But if you do feel that way, just inform either me or your homeroom teacher about it."

Izuku nodded.

"Now are you ready to start at UA and become a pro hero?" Nedzu asked.

Izuku nodded again. "Yeah. I have a whole plan."

Nedzu raised his eyebrows, "Oh really. What's your plan?"

"It's a plan for my future. So I start by becoming a pro hero. Then after about ten or fifteen years, I will become a teacher at UA to help out the next generation. And then, I want to run a place like UA. A place where no one is discriminated against and people can work to become their best selves. I just want to make an impact on the hero society in some way to make someone's life better than before," Izuku continued while he gazed at the ceiling. He messed with his fingers as he thought about all the ideas running through his mind at full speed. "I just want to help."

Nedzu smiled, "And I do not doubt that you will."

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